Something that has been looming around in my mind lately is the idea of a "Dream Job". What does that mean to you?? A career where you make a sufficient amount of money to sustain a lifestyle you want? A job where you can creatively express yourself ? travel? Something that allows you to spend all of your time with your family? I recently turned 25 and for the first time I started to question if my career was really what I should be doing and what I was meant to, as I'm working through this with myself, id love to hear from all you steemians on your thoughts. Do you currently have your dream career? Are you working towards it or recently switched to a different field that fulfills new desires? Or..are you on a path where your career is merely a way to make funds and you get all of your enjoyment and fulfillment elsewhere? Send some comments my way..Id love to hear from you all!!
Nice piece. One chosen field or career should be ones passion. Whatever you are passionate about you will enjoy doing it. I dream of financial freedom I hope I find a career that could offer it to me. You could follow me @orishtimothy to see my articles and fictions they might interest you to read
This is something I've thought about long and hard through the years... My passions are working with animals, travel and writing and the conclusion I've come to is I don't actually want to have a job if I can avoid it 😂
So I pretty much work short term research contracts all over the place but ultimately, I'm hoping my crypto investments pay off well enough to allow a life of travel. It doesn't have to be luxurious by any stretch of the imagination.