Multidimensional dream

in #life4 months ago

Wow man

Just woke up

Super interesting dream

Pretty epic one

It felt a bit like hitchhiker Guide through the Galaxy

But it started as an anime and then jumped between dimensions, went to a sort of library with dynamic books that will be auto written as you read them getting messages from other dimensions, this girl gets a message from someone who is safe in a dimension. She then tries to jump through it but ends up returning to versions of their dimension of her trying to escape a nightmare torture castle with a bunch of people. But not she is immortal since if she gets taken out she just jump to another dimension.

But eventually she gets so over powered on these dimensions that end up becoming a huge metallic spider on the same variations of universe ending up clogging the castle. Eventually she goes back to the library and try to learn how to go through dimensions.

So the friend of the girl was like an informant. And he was filming the enemy from another dimension, but somehow gets taken out and he is sent to a different quadrants of dimensions where he is exiting from a failed astronaut mission. So the guy is in the pod trying to survive as he is falling back into the atmosphere.

So it's no longer anime it's like a weird version of quantum leap.

But with more wild variations. Like fake countries and fake humans.

Then realized he is just a data back which is rested into different power stations and a couple of people keep switching them between power stations from a base in Mars.

Eventually they ran off stations, they left it on the table and try to plus it directly to the power socket.

Lol it was weird

Then I woke up a bit like the images where being built.