Why you need to drink water every morning

in #life7 years ago

Our daily diet is not complete without drinking water. Not only does water quench our thirst, but it also helps in the digestion of the food we consume per time. It is, therefore very essential for our survival.

But apart from these obvious reasons, water plays a very significant role when it comes to the general maintenance of the body, especially when you drink it in the morning every day.


In case you are not aware, the human body is made up of 70% water, and this is more than enough reason to drink water so that your body remains fresh and in excellent form. When the water requirements for your body are not met, it could lead to several dire health consequences that you may regret.

When you become dehydrated and don’t top up by drinking water, the following illnesses could occur:

• migraines;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• obesity;
• hypertension;
• breast cancer;
• pulmonary tuberculosis;
• hemorrhoids;
• kidney stones;
• uterine cancer;
• sinusitis.


That’s one nasty list of diseases up there that you would do well to avoid. Therefore, here are the benefits of drinking water every morning.

Re-hydrate your body

Even if you drank a tankful of water before going to bed, you still need to drink even more when you wake up the next morning to rehydrate your body. When you take a glass or two of water in the morning, you enhance the function of your body, and you will be infused with natural energy for the rest of the day. You will not only feel more refreshed but also feel healthier and happier.

Eliminates toxins from your body

When you drink water first in the morning, it helps in getting rid of toxins by creating a neutral environment in the body. This allows cells to produce acids as well as other toxic chemicals which are not important. Water is also necessary for urine formation, and that is the route the toxic substances follow to leave your body.

Purifies your colon

The most effective way of cleansing your colon is to drink water first thing in the morning. This is because water helps in getting rid of the substances that occur during the digestion process from your colon. When your colon is clean, you will enjoy a better absorption rate which is crucial to your overall health or wellbeing.

Fires up your appetite

At times, when you get up in the morning, you may not feel like eating any food. But when you drink a glass of water in the morning, before long, you will begin to experience pangs of hunger. This will, in turn, allow you to enjoy your first meal of the day with enthusiasm.

Water helps you in losing excess weight

Well, you probably didn’t see that coming, did you? But truth be told, water plays a crucial part when it comes to losing weight as stated by individuals who have experienced its effect. By drinking water in the morning in combination with regular exercises, you will be surprised at how soon that excess weight is shed from your body frame, making you look smarter and healthier.

Boost up your immune system

Drinking water in the morning helps to boost your immune system.

Prevents cancer

Studies have shown that when you enjoy a good flow of urine through your bladder, your chances of developing cancer is reduced by 50%. This means that drinking water in the morning before taking any meal will guarantee a steady flow of urine through your bladder.


In conclusion, ensure that you take a minimum of two liters of water every day and even more if you live in areas or regions with warm or dry climates.

Are you drinking water in the morning or coffee?


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Water is essential for life i read this line back in School. I did not realize it's importance at that time but after completing my Graduation Back in 2015. I was diagnosed with GN a kidney disease in fact a fatal disease. It happened due to lack of proper diet and poor immune system.
Doctor advised me to drink as much water as i can...
So i started drinking water after taking pills, Before taking my meals.
I usually Drink 23 glass of water per day or more than it. It is my habit to drink water after getting up early in the morning. By the Will of God i have recovered now from that Fatal Disease.

I am a Teacher by profession and i was elaborating to them the importance of WATER same points and some other points i discussed with my class.

I asked them to drink minimum 18 glass water per day.

Thanks for letting me this fact too, I am going to share your blog with my Students for sure

Studies have shown that when you enjoy a good flow of urine through your bladder, your chances of developing cancer is reduced by 50%. This means that drinking water in the morning before taking any meal will guarantee a steady flow of urine through your bladder.

You are one of those early Steemians with which I interacted for the first time and you welcomed me in a very good way.

I often say you that you are my constant Inspiration as you have gained such a high rank at a very young age. So, i always follow you @jwolf

Yesterday I wrote My First ever blog an Introductory Post and got so much love after that. I just want to tell you that you truly inspired me My Great Friend <3 <3

My Respect and Support go to you always

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

you are absolutely correct Salman. I have known people going through similar problems. And in our part of the world you would not believe how much the doctors lynch money off the sick. I dont have anything against the doctors but if drinking water is the only solution to the problem then why the expensive medications.

Very good write-up @jwolf. However, for majority of the world, the clean and safe drinking water is becoming scarce. This situation is worsening with every passing day. It seems soon there will be wars based on water crisis in the world.

Steem On!

I didn’t realize the importance of drinking water in the morning. Thanks for sharing this info.

Good post but before you drink water in the morning to eat a spoonful of honey, the effect will be much better!

Do you have any suggestions for what types of water are best?

I heard its very good... Maybe I'll try it

I always drink water in the morning because i had read anywhere that by drinking water in the morning makes your body work. Same like a motorcycle works with patrol.

This is my daily habit in every morning, drink whater.
I say: " my coffe drink" ! ( I do not drink real coffe )

Great post. I know I should drink at least 2 liters of water every day. But I do not drink. For me water has no taste and I feel sick of water.

Excellent information and i agree with your points, thanks for telling us about unique benefits of drinking water everyday, Stay blessed

These are many benefits that I did not know

It's informative! As far as I know, human needs around 8 glasses or 2 L of water per day. But I usually drink alot of water like 3-4L, would it burden my kidney in long run?

that is why they say water is life and with this many benefits we should make it a point of taking water everytime . when we deprive our bodies of water we waste our selves, what are you waiting take a glass of water now

drinking water six glasses a day, is very good for our health and very important to drink water because it affects our concentration.

Drinking enough water every day would help you get so many healthy benefits.

right your post is very emportent i like your post and thanks for shering

Great post!!Thanks for sharing information about importance of water..Yes water is very essential as our body is made of it and water keeps disease away ,by your post we can get more information..@jwolf

yes it is good and i also follow this and drink water 1 liter every morning before breakfast

I agree with you water is one of the most important thing in the earth for us. Thank you for information:-)

Thank you for sharing this. This is a timely reminder for me as i haven't been consistent in drinking it. I should from now on. There is no denying the impact taking a glass or two in the morning will have in our body. Thank you once again.

Water is beneficial for body, but it is even more important to drink water early in the morning

Good article, there needs to be more focus in drinking water I think.
Only problem with water is it is tasteless, but ofcourse you could squeese in a minor amount of orange to give it some taste, but unsure if it will work the same way then.

nice arcticle, good job !

After seven or eight hours of sleep, your body becomes dehydrated. Drinking water upon waking helps increase the flow of oxygen, Maintaining Your healthy weight. I do This every morning ..Its a valuable post

drink WATER
nice post.....!!

Water is the driving force of all nature.

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

Water is life

I'm guity to be forgetful about doing this every morning. I already knew these information, but I'm not consistently doing it. Thank you for reminding me again the importance of it.

Great post! Thanks for sharing this info. Many people still live a lifestyle where actually more sodas and caffeine is consumed than water. Many people have had recurring health challenges due to low amounts of water in the body.

Thanks @jwolf

Nice Start, how about a blog on bottled water to plastic and the contaminates in our water..


water with lemon after wake up is perfect.

As a doctor I really appreciate that you are promoting health. Water is essential for everything and we often forget to drink it enough. 2-3 liters a day is the best

water is the mean part of life . water is life . is very good for our health and very important to drink water . Water is beneficial for body, but it is even more important to drink water early in the morning . Thanks for sharing this info. @jwolf

Agree! I start the day with a cold glass of water, preferably with lemon! Perfect start to a beautiful day. :)

That's so true, I always drink at least 2 liters of water daily (8 glasses), because I'm a runner too ; be your own god as you say :D

Artikel yang bagus, saya menyadari betapa pentingnya air, namun sayang masih banyak orang orang yang mencemarinya

Thanks for your enlightenment on the important of drinking enough water. I will spread the good news. For me I am already observing the water-policy, and it works wonders for me. Imfollow and upvote you.

I used to drink lots of water , now that’s my own problem, I don’t drink enough

drink a lot of water but in winters this things changes completely

I really drink a couple of glass of water everyday to start my day which my body muscle also needs to wakeup with me.😇😇✌✌

Only when i fall sick then i realise i need to start hydrating myself.
one trick i always do when i am sick is to jug down 2 cups of water at least very hour, then i will recover faster haha

you would have saved so many lives here. And many that live to tell the tail will be thankful to you especially after having gone through grave situations after not drinking much water.
good job!

Thanks for sharing , It's Helpful.

can you add to your article how can one ascertain dehydration through reading eyes. after all, doctors can read the patient eyes to tell the problem.
why i say this is due to the fact that there are not many here in Lahore that are literate. a small indication in the eyes can be corrected early rather than waiting for
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• obesity;
• hypertension;
• breast cancer;
• pulmonary tuberculosis;
• hemorrhoids;
• kidney stones;
• uterine cancer;
• sinusitis.

will wait for your reply

looks like i need to start drinking more and more water !!

drink water in the morning due to the fact i had examine anywhere that through ingesting water in the morning makes your frame work. same like a motorcycle works with patrol.


drinking water in morning had this much benefit wow thanks for sharing

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