<- Is she happy or secretly upset?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

So, this debate has been raging at my workplace. Is she happy or secretly upset?

On Sunday, Chinese diver He Zi won the Silver medal for the 3-meter springboard event. She had trained all her life for this moment; all the exhausting practices and scarifies of her and her family. It was the moment that SHE had worked on her entire life. She had just realized the respect of her peers for her athletic accomplishment.

Then, it happened! After the medal ceremony, her boyfriend of 6-years, Qin Kai, approached the podium carrying a box containing a engagement ring and a red rose. In any other situation, this moment would be very touching.

However, at work, the entire event was received differently by people. Some think the guy will be "in the doghouse" for years. Others, shook their heads and said "there is just no pleasing some people".

So, did the boyfriend UPSTAGE her? Was it the wrong time to pop the question?