How to Change the World

in #life7 years ago

Do you ever just stop and think about the way you are living your life?

Do you ever think to yourself, “it’s time to wake up and start doing something more with my life?”

Why do we often treat our lives as if there are only certain ways to live them?

I asked myself these questions and tried to answer them for years. And for years, I only became more and more frustrated. I never agreed to live my life doing what I was supposed to be doing as laid out by the system before me.

Sure, I could work really hard and make a decent living in a “career” where the money was the only thing of benefit. For me though, I needed more than just “making money.” I had grander sights than that.

That may be the path that most people take, but for me and for most people, money doesn’t equal happiness. In fact, 80% of people dislike the work they do and 70% of people aren’t really happy in general. What does that tell you?

It told me that I shouldn’t keep going that direction. Unfortunately, eight years and some thirty jobs later, I finally gave up. I gave up on finding something I enjoyed doing for a living. Mostly because I didn’t know any other way.

I gave in and found a good paying job that I didn’t like, in order to provide for my wife and newborn daughter. That was fine. It’s what needed to be done.

Although I may have done what was necessary at the time, this decision didn’t encompass my feelings about what I wanted to do with my time here on Earth.

Through this process of coming together, in a spiritual sense, I found the answers I was looking for and started doing what I wanted to do. I was then able to discover what I had a passion for and how I would follow that to create a better life. I want to help you do the same.

I want you to know that it is possible to live your life the way you want. It doesn’t have to be dictated by your current condition or life circumstances outside of your control.

By unplugging yourself from your current perception of reality, you will be able to create the perception of the world the way you were meant to see it. Not the view that plays in the arena of fear and self-limiting beliefs.

I want to share the knowledge that I’ve learned that has helped me make some noticeable changes in my life. I want you to see the world in a way where you believe anything is possible because you are aware that you are the one in control. You dictate the direction of your life. Everything else is a result of the decisions you make and how you approach it.

The world as we know it today is evolving, simultaneously getting both better and worse. The world is getting smaller as we connect with every part of it through business, education, and knowledge.

On a global scale, it’s not hard to see how everything we do has an effect on something else —either from a political or environmental standpoint, the choices we make echo throughout the globe, floating around in the global consciousness field.

By uniting as one people, one world, and one universe, we begin to follow the law of nature. As of now, not much of humanity follows the laws of nature, simply because we do not see it.

The Trap

We are wrapped in our egos—our shells which are out for individualistic needs. This shell is beginning to crack and our way of life is changing. There is evidence all around us of the changes occurring in our world.

The information technology age is turning what was once a vast world into one global village. Everyone who lives in the global village should be treated as equals. Yet, social justice evades us and most of us go on with our everyday needs and struggles, without really caring too much what goes on in other parts of the country or world.

This too, is changing. There have been many protests and demonstrations around the world. Some more violent than others. Some without clear objectives or demands, only wanting to be treated more equal and fairly.

A change for the better is in order. When we start becoming aware and recognize the changes that are needed, we begin to see the world for what it is, and understand how we can become an integral part of it.

There are other groups already creating dialogue with the world’s experts in science, business, and politics; spreading awareness of mankind’s suffering, what the causes are of the blows mankind is suffering from, what we can do to fix it, and the steps needed to address the issue.

New organizations are emerging with a common message for change on a global scale, social justice for all, and an opportunity for everyone to have a fulfilled life without facing suffering, homelessness, starvation, hate, and genocide.

The mass population, one that is awakening to the needs and changes of our world and society, is doing what needs to be done to make the changes possible.

This is a transition period. As we roll with the changes and take action as individuals, we move closer to all of humanity living as one. It may appear there is more separation now than ever before, but it’s just a changing of the tides.

We change the world by changing our own. Or we don’t. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning and one way or another, change is inevitable..

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