-You got raided because some neighbor attached with the Million dollar richy rich golf club down the road doesn't like how you live.... They made up some stories about you growing pot and hording guns, the stupid people in the Police Department probably sent some rookie cop to investigate your property and noticed more people than he could handle, so he went back to the station with some bullshit about seeing marijuana.
Since GUNS were mentioned, this prompted a swat team invation.
When they realized they droped the ball and fcked up, they wrote you the sitations to somehow make themselves not feel soo fcking stupid.
END OF STORY.@son-of-satire - Stop the fear bullshit, so much generalities in what you just said I want to puke all over you.
I'm sorry this happened, but it really only takes a couple complaints about guns and drugs to peak police interest, and then another retarded cop (there are plenty of those, the requirements for police officers is 2years community college, what a joke!) to be scared stupid of getting killed while checking out your property full of shirtless people.
Fear bullshit? What are you talking about? If what I wrote was enough to make you afraid, then you really ought to man up. There is no need at all for your hostile tone, nor your arrogant postulations.
I merely stated what I think it may have been, and I have a lot of very good reasons for thinking as such. You speak as if what you're saying is fact when you have no way of knowing what the fuck you are talking about. Just because you have a naive perspective on the world, do not presume that it is a good idea to try and force your own opinions on to others, especially in such a despicable manner.
The next message that you direct to me will be a lot more polite or it will be ignored.