Life Always Seems To Finds A Way If You Try!
It has been 4 months since my last post, and I have been meaning to come back for a short while now, just didnt feel like I was ready yet. There was a great deal of issues happening at that time and I needed to step away, I sold my steem power, went nearly homeless, at the same time trying to finish physical therapy, and find a place for my family to stay.
Give Up Or Get Up?
So I had a few choices on what to do with my life, I could Give Up and let everything go to shit, or I can GET MY ASS UP and start making some moves and get my family back on track! But of course like anything else it's always easier said then done. So I went to my last physical therapist session and before leaving I asked if they think I am ready for some labor again? My therapist says, I think your ready for a whole lot more, and that I am finally good to go! That was probably some of the best news I have had in a long time and I really didn't even need to ask because I was feeling great, no pain when walking, I was able to tie my shoes again with no problems and especially enjoyed carrying my daughters and playing with them again.
I Got A Job
So My wife has been a strong woman and really I owe her so much she was probably the only reason that we were able to survive as long as we did with only one income and a family of five. I knew that with me feeling better now and being able to handle more physical activity, I decided it was time to get back into the workforce! I Went online to a job searcgh engine (Monster Jobs) and I entered in of course Computers, for a long time now I have always been told since I was a kid that I should get a job in computers, due to my fascination with them and I was known to be quite the Tech GEEK when it came to these sort of things. So I figured WHY NOT? Oh look the first job that appeared at the top of the list was Geek Squad! I was a bit excited, because I always wanted to be a PC Repair guy ever since I was 15 years old! I figured what the heck lets submit the Resume and Application and see what happens??? Literally the same day within 3 hours, I was emailed and told to come into Best Buy for a interview. I hurried and got ready with excitement I did not tell my family yet, the girls were at school, the wife at work, and just me and baby! I dropped the baby off with her aunt and I went to the BEST BUY for my GEEK SQUAD interview. The interview went great and I was super ready start work. I get home and start feeling pretty confident, the boss was super cool and we had a good deal in common, he was also a crypto guy and we spent a good half of the interview discussing alt coins and I introduced him to cloud mining. The next day comes and I check my email that morning, the first email at the top of the list was from GEEK SQUAD and i opened it with a quickness, it was my OFFER and the terms and agreement of the job! I accepted the offer and was given a start date, everything was going good and starting to happen fast!
The Lesson Learned!
This event in my life has taught me a great deal, I really don't believe in religion or anything like that, but the one thing I am a big believer in is MYSELF and FAMILY! I highly doubt that if I just stayed injured (Mentally and Physically) I would never progress or have gotten a job? End of the day it was up to ME to start making and taking the first steps! I was teh one that had to get up in the morning and find a way to make it to physical therapy, I was the one that decided it was time to work so I WENT AND GOT A JOB! Sometimes I believe Life Finds A Way, but that is only if YOU TRY! I am wrapping up this story now, I could go on forever but I would rather save it for a separate post, lol.
Thanks For Reading
I hope some can learn from my story and I hope the ones that do, get things moving in favor of them as well! Stay strong, in Mind and Body. Things do get better, you just got to do your part!
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