Gentle Exercise:Day 5 of 30 Days to a New You

in #life7 years ago


Today was nearly a wash out. It was the first weekend day that I've not had anything to do for a while as normally I am at the football if I don't have the kids.

I didn't get up till late as I got to bed late and I thought about going to the allotment and going to the gym. I didn't make it to the allotment but I am so glad that I managed to get to the gym.

I found exercise really helpful for me to feel good. You don't have to be a crazy gym bunny, I'm certainly not, but getting your heart rate increased for 30 minutes a day is supposed to be really good for you.

Many years ago I wanted to lose some weight and a work friend suggested that I get up an hour earlier than normal. I told him that there was no way I could do that. He then said "If someone offered you £500 to get up earlier for on month, would you do it?"

It was then I realised I just needed some motivation.

So your challenge today is to do some more exercise than you would normally. A brisk walk is fine. Even if it is just around the block.

Trust me, you will be pleased you did


Stay physical, always good advice.

Now that I've hit middle age, I've finally come to the point that I have zero interest in sucking down protein, going to the gym to beat my brains out and doing this 5 times a week to have some lovely pale body that never sees the sunlight. It has taken me a couple years to get to this mentality, but it has been the right exercise transition for me..a comfortable routine of regular (3-4/week) exercise at a moderate pace with a focus on being fit and healthy, not ripped and muscled. It works out well...I feel good, have lots of energy and it fits well with my lighter diet (now vegan).