F*ck you Facebook! I will not let you check my computer EVER!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I just try to open Facebook to respond to the message a friend. I needed to do it from the computer because I have long uninstalled the Facebook application from my Phone.

Well opening the browser I found that Facebook had me removed from the system and warned me that I had malicious files on my computer (How did they know that? Of course they dont) and that I had to follow a few steps to access Facebook again. I was a bit stunned but I clicked the next button as I thought it was kind of normal.

Faceook 1.PNG

The next window informed me that the software tried to steal my personal information and explained a number of other things, how the software was propagated, why I had to clean my computer and how to maintain the security of it.

Faceook 2.PNG

And thence was the third. I did not pass from this screen. There it says in Spanish that you have to download the tool recommended by Facebook and Karpesky Lab to clean your device. And that by clicking on DOWNLOAD you agree that Facebook and Karpesky Lab access your device to analyze, collect and delete any file that can be malicious and also USE AND SHARE THE DATA COLLECTED IN AND OUT OF FACEBOOK !!!


facebok 3.PNG

And no possibility to skip the download. It's not a pishing attack, it's real. Facebook, at least to me and I imagine that all users, is taking them out of the system and is forcing them to accept this if you want to use their services. Time to say ...

Fuck you Facebook!

And now more tha ever...

Steem ON!


Looks like it is only me... still checking my computer to see why is this happening. Wish me luck!


Firma Gif.gif


We are going to slowly kill Facebook ... Keep growing steemit !

These days I'm only on Facebook to convince people to move to Steemit or Discord. For the rest, screw that centralized thought policing website..

I like your post, just not your title. In future, it would be nice if you wouldn't use F*ck in the title. Might help you to get more upvotes.

I know it's all about expression and freedom of speech, and yes, I get it..

Just a recommendation.

Yes, you are right!.... Wake up now and realize it is a bit too much. Thanks for the recommendation @intelliguy, anoted!

Pd. I was kind of angry yesterday..

That's ok. I feel that way too and make mistakes. Glad you took the suggestion well. :)

Why not take it well? Comming from an intelligent guy ;) Thanks really, was(is) a good suggestion :)

I don't think those clowns tried to make me jump through those particular hoops but before I switched entirely to using Tor along with the .onion facebook page I was getting quite lot of utter bs just to login, same as I do most days - nothing had changed except they wanted me to jump through hoops. I recommend installing the Tor browser and search for sites with .onion addresses to take best advantage of the Tor network. This is the .onion address for fb: https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/

@juanmiguesalas que raro! Yo nunca he tenido que bajar ningún programa para facebook. Espero que lo hayas resuelto!

En eso ando. Parece que es un virus en el navegador pero reviso la compu con un antivirus (de los mejores según dicen) y nada. Gracias por preocuparte @sgnsteems! :) saludos

It could be hackers, virus, malware etc. I doubt Facebook itself had anything to do with it.

This does not sound legit.

I'd suggest this is a hack. It is possibly a XSS exploit that is using a vulnerability in facebook to get you to download a torjan.

I would never let website scan my computer for viruses etc. Always go to the official website of the software and download from there and then run the program on your machine.

If Malwarebytes says your machine is clear, then I'd trust that over something dodgy from Facebook.

Something with Facebook but not my computer is what do you mean? (I hope so)... well they got my pass and user then. Malwa says is clean and is uptodat. I even got the Pro version to be clear with everything. Thanks for the comment!

What the funk, that is just plain wrong!!

it's a virus bro

I'd say the same, seems more like a virus on your computer - thats what you mean, @ethanthefighter?

I try it with SRWare, Mozilla and Chrome, same result...I even got the sms from Facebook to log in... did you try to go into Facebook and see what happen please?Just to try

was logging in yesterday, first time in 3 months... I must say, I'm a little scared now.

Man almost same for me, I was mainly using Facebook as a comunication tool with some family and because of the Steemit facebook groups, to share the posts and since one month even not sharing, just comunicating... and now this...

nothing on my side, just logged in without any problems...

What virus? Doing this? I will analize my computer but very strange because I have the Malwarebytes Premium one of the best as far as know

It may be some version of a ransomware called "Locky". This can be spread through image files that end in .svg. Check your machine for any .svg files that should not be there.

Thanks will do that

Steemit is the future long live Steemit.

it is probably malware in your browser. Try a different browser and I guess you'll be able to log in. :-)

3 differents browsers and one without any ext, the SRWare Iron... same thing for all of them

check out this youtube video

Are you telling me that this is really from Facebook???? The video do what I do not want to do :(

Hi it is facebook malware. It's a facebook app that runs in your account. You probably enabled it without knowing it was malware. There are more videos on youtube with the same malware and how to remove it. And yes, it seems that you need to download the stuff to get rid of it.

hmmm Thanks a lot @cryptokas but I think I will not download this stuff, I am not so desesperate to go itno Facebook and I can do it in another computer... I think better will check the apps and desactivate what I do not use anymore first...lets see what happens :)

yes, since I'm a steemian I also spent less time on facebook. Well I have a group that I need to manage but thats it. hope you get it solved. grtz.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment