Newest Illustration -- Bob Marley (Start To Finish)

in #life8 years ago


There has been literally thousands of drawings of this famous Bob Marley pose. The one with his head tilted back smiling, as happy as could be. I can't say I am the first to draw it, but I did try to take a slightly different approach. Everyone always draws dreadlocks the same, so I wanted to really change the style of them completely. I hope you guys like my version of this iconic piece.

My Inspiration came from monsteroftheid on Deviantart and it helped to do the face by using his for reference, check him out at:

From Start to Finish:

I drew the outline of the dreadlocks first. As you can see, they already look much different than most drawings of Bob Marley.

Next I added the flat tones of the hair.

Then I added some highlights in his hair. This really started to make the drawing look fuller and not so flat.

Then I started adding facial hair and shadows on the face.

Then I added in the facial features. mostly the highlights of the face.

Then I added some shadows to the face to give it more depth.

The final piece:



Did you trace the shading and highlighting on a transparent layer and copy and paste to produce the face?

All you smart fucks, guess what? You're wrong! I watched him draw it . If the lines didn't somewhat match,would it look like Bob Marley? No...y'all need to get a life and quit trolling posts. I know you guys get paid for finding someone cheating,but y'all are just trying to start shit now. Backoff.

It's pretty obvious he made this one. The examples provided are not even close to EXACT. What you are witnessing is a group with good intentions that has members that as with any human activity can take it too personally and rather than backing off and letting people try to prove they are changing their ways they are instead approaching it as "once a criminal, always a criminal". NOTE: most of the people trying to keep steemit clean are not like this. Some of the ones that were acting like this realized they were for a brief period and stopped.

I don't care if you trust me or not. I am making a point that a post that I know 100% is legit is being scrutinized by the content trolls. If you are one, then yes you were cussed at too! Maybe I shouldn't have cursed but the level of criticism over a legit post is sickening and could be the downfall of Steemit. Straighten up and act right and you won't have to read cuss words

Nope I sure didn't

I flagged your post because it seems to be dishonest. I copied the shapes based on tone and the angles and the shapes and angles match up the the original in an almost perfect mathematical fasion. as a matter of fact the angles and placements are exact. I have image proof of this.

How can you call something exact when I can see parts of his drawing when you overlay them where the original did not have any? In addition the bottom dread that goes onto the neck in lower right is a good example of where this is not EXACT. I haven't been chiming in on the Witch Hunt type statements, and I've even helped steamcleaners type action. I've also known a lot of artists. I've done art myself, but kind of suck at it. People make art from photographs frequently and IF you are going to make a claim that something is EXACT which is an absolute then it is kind of important your example does not disprove this.... which the above did. Also where is the little wisp of hair from the original on the new? Remember this is supposed to be EXACT so there shouldn't be any discrepancies.

You're thoughts are greatly appreciated.

To be crystal clear here, I copied your shapes from your image and placed them over your reference, The original, and the angles and spacing matches exactly, the eyes and mouth fit perfect as well as the rest of the shapes. Math doesn't lie

And now you flag my current post???? whats wrong with my post? do you have a valid reason before I bring this to the higher ups?

I submitted visual proof, do you really expect us all to believe your eye is as perfect at math as a computer? seriously just post original work and be honest about your approach and this wont be a problem in your future. let's let the community decide form the images I provided.

You are flagging my work for no reason. Yes it lines up because I used it as REFERRENCE. I am pretty good at drawing things when I am looking at them. I drew this all night last night and took my time to post some new art work to show steemit that I was worthy of original work and then you come in flagging me because you think it looks too much like the reference I used??? That's bullshit. So if you are flagging me for no reason then you can get flagged for no reason.

No matter what - it is wrong to flag as revenge @jpiper20. Id say you should work it out by discussing it here.

You can copy part of an artwork if it is condoned by the author or is put up for free on for example a CC-by license. If so you are right in using it - else, if you want to use a reference I would say that you should try to make these posterise-lines yourself.

Dude whatever. You're a joke.

Flag the abuse. Only the abuse. Everything in this thread is abuse. Don't go to his posts to flag, he's left plenty of flag bait for you right here.

Dude I said in my posts it was used as reference. This is ridiculous. Go hassle someone else. I drew everything by hand and used the shapes there to draw the face but nothing was traced. Steemit is seriously becoming a joke with people like you.

Why don't you unflag my post with the proof in it so people can decide for themselves?

That is not proof. I stated in my post that I used it as reference to draw the face. So ye she face is very similar because I flat draw faces very wel so I used that illustration as reference. Nothing was traced. This is getting ridiculous

Upvoting and reblogging to counter the flags.

@jpiper20 please do not bend to the will of trolls. You can and should use your flag for abuse like this. We can still read the trolls comments and judge for ourselves. This is not plagiarism. Walden doesn't know what plagiarism is.

appears @jpiper20 is going to have difficulty soaring with the eagles while surrounded by turkeys

Whoooaaa nice job! What app do you use? Sketchbook pro?

Adobe illustrator draw

Up voted, and resteemed. This post should not have been flagged.

That is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!

Great job!

please jpiper tell me what kiddarko is saying is not true, Im bringing an expert to determine if what he's saying is true, since I dont know much about this issues, and please remove all your downvotes to the comment section so that people can judge for themselves

What kiddarko said that was incorrect was that it was EXACT. It is not even close to EXACT unless you are talking to a 3 year old that thinks their coloring book color is entirely in the lines and looks great. Then they get older and wonder... how did I not see how out of the lines it was....

In his overlay images it is obvious they are not exact. I am all for steemcleaners, but if people are going to use absolutes like EXACT then there better be no discrepancies. There are discrepancies there.

As to the down voting comments... You've heard me before and you know I prefer to address people with comments, not flags. I will support steemcleaners, but I will not support witch hunts on people. This example from kiddarko is flawed.

You are wrong, read the comments, what he said was "I copied the shapes based on tone and the angles and the shapes and angles match up the the original in an almost perfect mathematical fashion. as a matter of fact the angles and placements are exact."

They are not. The shapes differ slightly... Look at the shading above the eye on the left side. They are similar but the shapes are not quite exact. It is a false statement. I am right. You are wrong. ;)

When a person says EXACT all you have to do is find cases where it differs for that to be a false statement. Check out the soul patch (dark hair below the lip) in both images. Similar, yet the pattern differs. Same is true of the moustache on the right side of the image. They are close... yet not exact.

There are definitely places where the shapes ARE nearly identical. There are also places where the variations are there but subtle. So it is not exact.

However, let's assume it WAS exact.

  1. He cited the source and the original... He even showed it in his post.
  2. He claimed he used its face for inspiration.
  3. He recolored it...

Sorry this is NOT plagiarism and is not him claiming the original is his. He even supplied the original so no one had to go hunt for it.

There are many of those shadings for lighting and shadow that are very nearly identical. There are others that are not. So it is not EXACT.

I know quite a few artists. I also remember sitting in art class and being told to draw something, or have seen drawing classes where you need to duplicate a piece of work you are looking at. This is common. It is also NOT plagiarism since the original source he was using as a reference was provided by him.

This is a FALSE flag.

I'll prove it to you... give me a few minutes to make an image showing you some of the discrepancies and notes I found.

Not even close to exact... false flag, false statement. You guys were wrong to flag this post.

Thank you my friend, unfortunately it's too late. Steemit is becoming a joke like every other social media. It was only a matter of time.

I don't usually quit. So I still fight for steemit. Also even if you only made $0.40 on a post... that is still more than the $0.00 somewhere else. I try to focus on the silver lining when I can. I argue with people when they act like they did on this post simply in an attempt to make change. I don't call people names, I just challenge them with as much thought as I can. I know nothing changes by doing nothing.

As to avoiding this stuff... key for you. Don't do anything derivative. Just do purely 100% original work based off of photos YOU or FAMILY took and not off of something that exists. Then there will not be much to call you out on.

This is so stupid.

I would like to offer you a way to change my mind, Submit a video of you doing a replication start to finish and let me do an analysis on the shapes and positions. If you can do this and succeed I will indeed remove my down vote urge other to remove theirs and apologize publicly.

It's not that important to me. Steemit will fail because of users like you. It's whatever I'm over it. There is no pleasing you people. You have nothing better to do then hassle other users all day.

I would suggest you not to continue make a fool of yourself.

Considering your history with plagiarism I doubt your words have a lot of value to readers who know about it, instead of discussing this situation with @kiddarko in a neutral fashion you are going full-self-defensive and self-destructive of your last bit of integrity your account and history here have accomplished in the past.

This is just a friendly suggestion, you can act however you want of course, but I know @kiddarko wouldn't accuse someone for the fun of it or harass users. In fact we are planning a series together to get even more artists onto the platform to make their work appreciated.

There isn't a single shape in these faces that is the same. If he traced it don't you think at least one shape would be the same???

Im sorry jpiper, my expert says kiddarko is exactly right, I need to flag this.

This is such a joke. Nothing but abuse on here. Steemit is no better than any other site.

This inspired my latest post. I'm doing what I can.

It IS better. There are some blemishes, but they are far fewer. Also the community is still trying to learn itself. Kind of imagine it as a brand new country discovered and history on an accelerated time frame. There are going to be periods of mistakes that individuals as well as the community must learn from. I also told you that you kind of made yourself infamous, and would be a target for awhile. Stay the course... and don't feed the trolls. IF you don't stay the course and there is compelling evidence you have reverted to your old ways then I'll be there with them down voting you. Yet that is not the case.

Have you considered making art versions of your own photos you and your family take? It'd be kind of hard for them to be stupid like in this post. (Doesn't mean they might not try... until time has passed). Responding to them though just keeps adding fuel to the fire. You need to let the fire burn down.

People that like to TRIGGER people get kick out of reactions. If you go somewhere else they view it as a victory. They fail to see it instead as someone realizing that they've just wasted a lot of time they could have spent talking to someone else. ;)