It's Ok To Wait For Your Love.

in #life8 years ago

Love is truly the most trying of all emotions that there has ever been. The feeling of Love is infinite in it's depth and as powerful as the word could ever mean! Yet, it is also the most devastating and painful of any emotion at the same time. No matter how many times or ways you try and tell someone how beautiful they truly are, it will never make them love you. You could traverse the entire world time and again to prove your love and it could come across as completely meaningless if the person simply does not see you in the same light.

Even though you feel more for them then you ever thought possible, there is simply nothing you can do at all to make them feel what you feel for them. No matter how hard you may try and make yourself believe that they will come around eventually... It will simply never work. Although this is arguably the saddest situation anyone will ever know it is also one of the greatest realizations that one will ever gain. Sadly, no matter how many times you may find yourself in this situation, it will never ever become easier.

Unrequited Love has been one of the oldest and most popular topics of poetry and literature our kind has ever known and not because of how entertaining the situation can create one hell of a story but because of how often it occurs and how true a situation it truly is. We all face unrequited love at some point or another and we will usually experience quite a few times in our lives... Hell, a lot of us are probably dealing with it right now...

No matter what though, just remember that you hold an immense amount of worth and though your love may not be shared and you are forced to move on even though it pains you to do so.. Remember that right now, somewhere out there, there is someone who is literally hoping that someone just like you will make your way into their life at some point or another!

So stay calm, take a deep breath, and press on to another day. You will eventually meet the person who is waiting to receive all you possibly carry inside and more! Although you might not believe it right now, I promise you that there is someone out there for you and given time and a positive mindset, you will find each other somehow, someway!

Anyway, those are my two-cents for the day and I hope at least one of you out there felt these words and finds some much needed relief in them. I love you big time and I am forever there for you no matter what! Lots of Love and Positive Energy always... Peace!



Love is often also over rated by those who seek it, yet under rated by those who have found it. Take nothing for granted and be grateful for every opportunity that comes your way, find happiness in yourself and have a little bit of love for everyone, even in the most difficult situations you won't run out of love to give.

Very true.