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RE: What is the Sodalitas Vultur Volans?

in #life8 years ago

Yes she turned out to be a very angry and spiteful person who has trouble controlling her temper and refuses to admit her faults and always blames someone else and plays the victim role. It became unignorable that something was amiss when i was doing an angelic working from the shemhamphorash and she would start a fight with me right after I would perform the ritual and was trying to commune in the calm stillness of the angelic presence. Her tantrums where she would scream at me over nothing and refuse to let me say anything to calm her down then play the victim role when I would insist on getting my truth across almost drove me to the point of suicide at one point. She has a lot of hitchhikers from her past dealings with dark forces without properly protecting herself which very clearly effect her that I thought I could help her with but she couldn't admit the problem exists so refused to do anything about it. However, I keep trying to move on and forgive and forget and focus on the many doors that are opening for me both in my career and on the path of wisdom but she keeps stalking me on social media and making slanderous comments on my posts and to my business partners so I'm apparently going to have to resort to legal action. On the subject of the psychic experiences they were too numerous to list and are still unfolding but perhaps I will make a post about it soon. I am also thinking about doing another working from the shemhamphorash if you are interested in joining. The last time I did it there were wonderous experiences reported despite my difficulties.


I was doing that but you write that article and this and you know the truth and that is that, I want to move on with my life and be left alone. So you do the same, God Bless, me and my friends have recieved things from your "side" this is sad you do this but stop with saying this, I advocate , leave me be

What is this shemhamphorash ? I have not yet gotten a clear answer about whether or not I want to delve into this magick, because I have not yet become clear about what part of this might be involved with Enlil and Enki and what part of it is the Creator. I am not yet convinced that the Jews were working with entities that were emissaries of the Creator or emissaries of the aliens that created us, so I am on the fence about whether or not I am up for calling them into my life. Sigil magick appears harmless to me because I am using the alphabet we use. The Kaballah and the Tarot I feel that I can use without invoking these entities, but I am not yet sure about this - I do not want to invoke any dark forces or energies... I am not one to want to get spirits to do things for me - but I am certainly open to hearing your experience.

The 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are based on Kabballah. They are derived using a kabbalistic formula from the script of Exodus and their powers are attributed according to Gematria and the Kabballah. Far from being dark spirits, they are functions of the Source/ and in my experience they bring a sense of calm stillness when evoked. Other people have reported incredibly powerful and uplifting experiences when we've worked with them in the past. I will probably provide updates on it through posts on here once we start.

OK, I am interested. what do I need to do?

I'll make a post about it soon.... there's a talisman and a sigil to charge and a ritual. I will start by posting the talisman since you use that no matter which angel you are working with and put a list of the angels and their powers so we can decide what we want to do.