Some may view games like Hide and Seek as a childhood activity - however a group in Italy has been hosting the World Championships of the "sport" for 8 years now and I am assembling Australias first team to compete! My inner child could not be more excited!
Crowned as "the most played game in the world" - this is not just a pass-time for children. And why not, who says we have to "grow up" and leave the fun, carefree activities of childhood in the past?
This year in September 8-10 in Consonno Italy I am leading a team of 5 people to compete with over 70 teams from various countries around the world in what is sure to be the funniest, most engaging group activity I have been involved in for some time now.
The world championship website can be seen at (to prove Im not just making this up):
This story has been picked up by the Australian media and so far I've had one live national television interview on The Project and two radio interviews - all calling for auditions for people to join the team. Would you like to play? Submit a short video highlighting your best hiding techniques at: (why not have a playful URL?)
This screen grab from my interview on Australian Channel 10's The Project shows just how funny this topic is (me on the right)
My challenge to you all - keep your childhood playfulness alive!
Happy hiding my friends,
Josh :)
this should be lots of fun.
This is the sport for me.
But what are the rules and how is it judged? :)
This is going to be epic! All the rules are at the world championship website linked in the blog - I hope to see you there!
Do you mind if I share this information for the russian-speaking community at ?
This information isn't just exciting, it's close to breathtaking
Ah @stuffy that would be brilliant! Please do! :) I will be blogging about this at as well
Who knows, maybe I can manage to gather russian team. Maybe even team full of girls :)
will do. I hope to gather russian team, full of girls :)
Damn! When will it be included in the Olympics??!! I mean... If they have curling and trampoline, why not hide and seek? :)
Im with you!