"Good Answer" - A Response That Gave Me Great Motivation

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I recently attended a theatre production here in Sydney put on by Milk Crate Theatre, which is a charity that helps people affected by homelessness or at risk of homelessness tell their story in a theatre environment. The aim is to regain self esteem and include them in a team, rebuilding soft skills. I supported this charity in my last challenge which was a downhill mountain unicycle race in Spain (which was epic!). In a break during the show they served tea and biscuits (cookies for our North American friends!) and I went to a woman that was one of the actors and asked since I was going to the table if I could bring anything back for her. She said that would be great so I asked what kind of biscuit was her favourite to which she replied "I'm not too sure so you better bring one of each" haha I knew I was going to get along with her straight away..

So I returned with the snacks and she asked how I knew of Milk Crate Theatre, so I explained that I am supporting the charity by raising awareness and funds by riding a unicycle down a mountain in Spain, which she loved and simply said "wow"... Continuing her inquisitive nature she asked "well, what was the last challenge for a charity you did" so I told her about a previous ski race in Sweden, her eyes got really wide and she laughed and told me that she has always wanted to climb Machu Picchu but since she lost the use of her legs (she's in a wheelchair) she said she is a bit sad that is out of reach now. I reminded her that she just stood in front of a room full of people and shared her story through acting in a play about homelessness, and its challenges - and that requires far more bravery than most people have. She smiled and agreed then simply asked me that if these challenges are what I am doing with my life now - what do I want to do when I grow up?

I replied "Mary-Anne, I never intend to grow up"...

She had the warmest, kindest smile on her face when she replied... "good answer".

What an amazing woman :)

(She is in the photo above in the pink top, standing with the use of crutches)

Thanks for reading and more visual to these stories on instagram @joshuastinton

  • Josh

Clever old lady ;-)

Agreed and I am very fortunate to have crossed paths with her @pery :)