I do not believe in any religion, but I respect them, as well as those who believe in them.

in #life6 years ago



I have to start by saying that I am a faithful NON-BELIEVER of religions ...

I have a position that I have been assuming since my adolescence, when I dedicate myself to reading a lot about universal history, art, and definitely all this is related to how religions have evolved and how they have I have been taking more and more weight in the definition of world history, in how populations assume life.

I speak very specifically about the Catholic religion, since I know very little about the other hundreds or thousands of religions.
I want to ask some generating questions (I hope it generates comments that contribute and not conflicts):
Because the Vatican, knowing what was happening in that Nazi Germany, did not pronounce itself in advance of these atrocities? They were able to avoid millions of deaths with a warning in time.

However, if the Vatican is appointed around this issue, it is done by relating it to the management of the billions of Nazi funds ...

Who talks about the crusades? Do you know that some church believers, sword in hand, dedicated themselves to maintaining the Catholic empire in the middle ages? What role did the Holy Inquisition play? Do you know what that was? Did you have ideas that the Catholic Church created that institution to "establish order"? how? Murdering, that simple ...


So, how to believe? Particularly it is impossible for me to believe in an institution that has that history, which I always dominate by means of weapons, violence, and to inculcate ignorance in peoples and fear of a punishing god ... whose punishment was (and is ) exercised through the hierarchs of the church.

I have no doubt that in some spaces they have been able to help people, that there are those who believe faithfully in what the church says, and with that they are "happy" ... I respect them. But I prefer to believe in myself first of all, to know myself and to know what I am capable of, I believe that this is a virtue.

I consider it is a great defect that there is in the process of schooling, they do not teach you to believe in you first, to lay the foundations of your life in you, simply thinking that trust in God is enough, he will work so that everything is for you ... and it's fine, God (universal energy) always conspires in our favor, but the main thing comes from us, we are the owners of our lives and we must act so that things are always carried out with our feet on the ground , since this is where we are, and for many, it is like that because God so arranged it.

I understand that many believe faithfully in a religion, that taking life is usually something complex, making crucial decisions, it will undoubtedly be easier to do it under a "spiritual" guidance, particularly my life I live my way, trying to do things right , do good, help, without the need to believe in any religion, and in general I have done very well, I do not complain, when it has not been, I reflect and look for the mistakes I made, to prevent them from happening again. .. but for many, perhaps they think: "if I made a mistake it is because God wanted it that way, and before that I can not do anything."



I do not know if I explain myself, but to assume life that way is like giving up all possibility of making our decisions and justifying our mistakes with a punishing god, which I do not believe exists (eye is a personal opinion without the intention of offending anyone think differently),


I have made a specific mention about the catholic religion, but the same could be applied to other religions, of which I will not give examples since I have not deepened them, but seeing the history of the world, it is easy for us to realize that the wars have been always present, and if we go there to scrutinize, the religious factor will always be a constant.

I want to clarify that I am not against religions, that in spite of the above, I consider that they are of great importance for the vast majority of people and that I have relatives, friends, who have a religious conviction by which they govern their lives and they are excellent people. But I have no doubt that if they were not religious they would also be excellent people.


But I respect them, as well as those who believe in them.

religion 2.png

Since everyone regardless of race, color, sexual tendency, we are all equal before that universal energy, call it as you call it.


si te gustó. INGLESjpg.jpg


I want to commend you on such an insightful post. You really made Alot of valid comment and assertion. One thing have come to realize over my past years in search for "answers" is that, NO RELIGION ON EARTH IS PERFECT BUT THERE EXISTS ALITTLE BITS OF TRUTH IN EACH. Putting this bits and pieces together will lead one to enlightenment, which is the highest height humans can attain spiritually

How nice it has been to your liking, and thanks @dasaint for commenting. Truly, I feel that religions were invented by man to dominate over people, but within them (as everything that human beings do), I consider, just like you, they have their good point, their point in favor, and that is where You have to support yourself. The permanent search to be better you are human should be until the end of our days. Soolo will achieve a personal peace that will have a positive impact on the world.

Another mission we have all been given is to preach the Truth but while we are absorbed in little things and the crumbs that fall from the table we will not be able to surpass ourselves, really stand on our own feet and take over the reins to do the most beautiful work that we have to do.
Thank you for this excellent post.

Preach the truth, our truth, but with respect to the personal truths of each one. I feel that talking about religion is delicate, it is a sensitive issue for many, since it is part of something important for people and they could easily feel offended. I did everything possible so that it was not like this in this post. All in all I think it's good to have some information in relation to the stories of religions, although I also know that not everyone can bear certain truths. Thank you very much for your contribution @ renny-krieger.

Greetings @josevas217 What you say is very true, you have to be very sagacious to communicate a very beautiful subject that can become very difficult for many others. Thank God I live in a place where the three main beliefs: Jewish, Muslim and Christian, cohabit in the same land (Venezuela), without any problems. The important thing is to show that you can evolve and grow to improve spiritually and as a person. With all the pleasure we could do a post related to this topic. @renny-krieger

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