If you were one to believe ninjas didn't exist, well this is a story just for you. Ninja of the night breaks into 100's of homes.
In Japan, this individual goes by the name of "Ninja of Heisi ", and it is estimated that he has at least 250 break-ins. Apparently, he has stolen about 30m yen ($260,000; £200,000).
According to the reports from BBC, " Ninja of Heisi " was quoted saying if he were younger, he would have never been caught. If you were anything like me as a kid, you automatically know that every boy at one point wanted to be a Ninja. With the throwing stars and plastic sword to go with it. But we were jumping from couch to couch. The good old days.
Well, this Ninja was jumping from roof to roof with grand speed. But here's the kicker. He is 74 years old. Yes !! 74 years old. Now, even though I don't agree with what he was using his Ninja skills for I do applaud being in great shape but SHAME on you for using your cool Ninja skills for break-ins. Whatever the sentence is for the 74 year old Ninja may be, he declared to retire since his age is and I quote " finally catching up with me ".
There isn't many details to this story so the link is down below.
wow 74 years old and still that flexible. Asian genes.
Whoa, its unbelievable @joseph
A 74 yr old man can jump from roof to roof? If its really true then his health is so amazing but unfortunately he used it in bad way. He can be qualified in the guiness world of records to be the oldest ninja alive. It really amaze me @joseph 😲
This is just because we, in the west, are used to people who cannot get out of their couches without assistance at 50.
Dang, still a ninja at 74, that’s one badass ninja!
I remember when something similar happened in Staten Island. Reality is stranger than fiction! Thanks for posting, I Uped and Followed!
Hi @joseph its quite sad, he could have been like a modern day superman and help people, i enjoyed reading this.
Wow it's very fantastic performance.
Wow thats amazing :)
Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)
good post
He can´t be a real Ninja, as they never used their skills for personal reasons let alone burglary, but out of loyalty to their lord. He probably just had some good stealth and disguise techniques. The last true Ninja, Takamatsu Toshitsugu died 1972. My avatar shows a picture of him.
Damn it, I just wish it was the first time an old man is more skilful, flexible, or in better shape than I, but no.
Wow...74 years old!!!! Too bad he used his amazing skills to commit crimes.
Really I like your post.
it is so informative post.
Haha even the grandpa in Japan are dangerous though
Wow...74 years old!!!! Too bad he used his amazing skills to commit crimes.
Wow...74 years old!!!! Too bad he used his amazing skills to commit crimes.
That's news ... It's amazing.
He sure is a weakass ninja, if he used a jutsu he would have stole all stuffs there.
That was really amazing, imagine a 74 year old, a dirty old man can jump from roof to roof. Wondering what kind of food he was eating.. Ahaha.
Please upvote me

This is so funnnny
I want to be a ninja....LOL
It's a pity he's using his great skills for the wrong purpose.
Oh Japan, never stop being you lol.
ninja's are now burgler? whoah, they must be good
i thought ninjas only exist in anime and movies. and a 74-year-old at that. what a physical ability he has! unfortunately, his great skills have been used in theft.
A ninja at 74 is a marvel and worthy of Guinness Book of Records. It grossly downplays the criminality and at the same time exercebates it. Being crooked at 74 can be likened to gold rusting!
Wow thats insane! Awesome posts :)
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Thank you for the very good story and so much for the excellent information
I don't think I'm as fit as him when I was 20. Worse, I also have mild acrophobia.
In this case, this man isn't a ninja -- He is a thief.
At least he was a smooth criminal....
this is more informative
Yes, from about 8 years old until maybe 16 years old, I did want to be a ninja. I dreamed regularly about it.
74 year old Ninja their! Wow!
Too cool for a 74 year old! I wish my dad was a ninja ;)
Most burglars in my area are just crack heads. Kudos to Japan for having ninja burglars