Mama Musings - Seasons of life

in #life7 years ago


Happy Monday Steemians!

I was thinking a lot this morning about how darn hard life can be. Lately, I'm just feeling it. Maybe it's the long winter that's really getting to me, but the more I muse over why this is, I feel like it's just the Season. (It's also the Lenten Season right now, so perhaps that is part of it).

I just had to buy a new charger for my computer. $100 buckaroo's there. Ok, no biggie... these things happen. (Even though my old one wasn't more than 12 months old). Then over the weekend my phone just decided it was done-skies with this whole life business & sooo... new phone it is. Of course before the contract is over. Always happens before the contract is done. If I didn't need my phone for work then I would consider just biting the bullet & sharing a phone with my husband until my contract was done, but that just isn't an option.

My toddler isn't napping & is constantly defying me. I repeat myself about one hundred times a day & then by the end of the day I feel terrible for expecting so much from a 2.5 year old. Why do I have to be so harsh??

I'm also trying to eat super healthy right now to lose baby weight I gained after growing my second human & while the process is slow & hard it's finally coming off. But man I just would love to eat some chocolate & drink some wine. And I miss my lattes. Big time. This is so hard for me. I love coffee & while black coffee is really great, it's just not the same as a nice beautiful warm latte from my favy coffee shop. I don't know why I find something this miniscule so hard!

Oh ya, over 5cm of snowfall last night. And it's still snowing today.
I think at this point you just need to keep reminding yourself that this season in life is temporary. The hard will come & go. There will be moments of joy & ease, with moments of challenge & sadness. It's not an easy life, but it's a life worth living.

Happy Monday right?!

-Liz Lemon


I hope some of your stresses let up soon! The old cliche about when it rains, it pours does seem to apply quite often. It's never just one thing! Keep your chin up! That weight will come off, and hopefully you'll be all set tech wise for a bit :)

So very true. We're on the upswing I think now, but indeed... it's been a looonnggg month. Haha.

Força, Liz! Summer is coming!

Thanks so much for your encouragement! It is! I just have to keep reminding myself of that! I feel like my blog needs more happy in it haha... but I guess I'm trying to give out good & real content, so this is my melancholic side coming out! Onward & upward!

waaaaw cool once so like ..! brother please follow back and vote also ya brother