Waiting to find out whether I still have a job

in #life4 years ago (edited)

This afternoon is going to be the tell all tell all of how my life is going to stay the same or change forever. I'm hoping that somehow with the power to Be's they will find a way for us anti Covid vaccers to continue to work.
I work in the health specter `in British Columbia as a home health worker (care aid) and have for the last twenty years off and on. I moved to my town two years ago and got on with Interior Health. I love it I love the traveling, I love the people I work with I love, my co workers, and my bosses are pretty good too. But unfortunately since Bonnie Henry has made the decision that all Health workers need to be totally vaccinated against Covid my job is on the line. This afternoon we are having our first meeting to find out whether or not we are going to be forced get vaccinated or if there is another way around this. Wearing PPE protective personal equipment as in gloves, masks, goggles worked in the beginning of the Covid pandemic so why not now?
As I look at it it was more dangerous to spread the Covid in the beginning when no one knew what it was or how it was spread. We have the knowledge now and we also have almost 80 percent of our population vaccinated. So what is the big deal now? Why can't the ones who want to be vaccinated be and the ones who don't want to be left alone? Why is our jobs suddenly being held against us? I can understand restaurants, and other forms of entertainment taking the precautions as large groups of people are there and you can not make sure that everyone there is wearing masks. But us health workers are willing to do what needs to be done. Just because we are not getting poked does not mean we are dangerous.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not totally against vaccinations they have there place and still do. I just don't want to get poked with an experimental vaccine they just created for this pandemic. Vaccines take years sometimes a lifetime or two to find a cure. If it is so easy to find cures why are we still dying from Cancer? HIV? Diabetes? The answer is its not easy to find the right way to stop diseases. So why do we all of a sudden have a magic cure? Which is not actually a cure. It can only help prevent some symptoms of the Covid flu. I personally think though that we are in more danger now than even before. People who are fully vaccinated can still get Covid but they are now A-symptomatic which means they can spread it without even knowing they are. Atleast the people who are not vaccinated if they feel sick they will stay home. This Covid is going no where, we are no closer to a cure or an end to this pandemic than we were 18 months ago. Our lives are being forced to change, jobs are being lost, freedoms are being taken away. Good people like me are going to be soon unemployed. I hope and pray that some way we can get back to the "OLD" normal. Till then stay safe and take care of each other whether vaccinated or not.