Each Creature in this World is loved by God,
Let the children play under the sun,
Let them swim or catch a fish, Let them play in the rain,
Let them enjoy life, let them appreciate what really life is ,
Not because of what they have, not because of the gadgets, money, material things.
But because of what they can be, with family, with friends, with neighbors, with nature,
Let them experience what it feels like to be free,
Freedom is not about having all the material wealth, but the wealth of who you are to them.
World of Photography Beta V1.0
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Thank you for participating in #landscapephotography, the weekly selection will be released on Wednesday.
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Daily comments: 0/5
Multiplier: 1.02
Server time: 02:19:03
Total XP: 17.20/100.00
Total Photos: 3
Total comments: 2
Total contest wins: 0
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Developed and sponsored by: @juliank
Thank you so much for the upvotes. @surpassinggoggle, @alanzheng. God bless.
Thank you @arcange and @raphaelle.