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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam

in #life6 years ago

Wow - you are a total cunt!

You really believe that Islam is the product of rising homicide rates? 5% of the population are Muslim in the UK and almost 70% are Christian! Do the math.

You also reference a recent article on Zerohedge which references Gatestone. I am not even going to comment on that, as I bet you have no fucking clue what that means.

But lets just look at the rising homicide rate. 27% - as reported by the London Mayor's Office. That's indeed what they report. So fucking what? Had you bothered to research anything, you fucking dipshit, then you know that the UK, as most countries, do not fucking report crimes by religious belief.
But being the fecal matter that you are, and plagiarizing an article that's already full of holes, you attest the rising crime rates to Muslims.

That this article have gotten this many votes is truly a testament to how many dipshits there are in this world and how many have the sheep mentality and just follow.

Go spew your hate propaganda in sewers where you were born!islamophobia-and-freedom-of-speech-europe.gif


hi... as I mentioned earlier in my comment above, the data submitted by lexi is only "sentences", but can't be verified. Does he know the whole reason why someone is doing criminal ? surely not, because the data (sentences) , brought in this post does not reflect a true author but haters. if the Author want to be smart and convince people that the religion is the reason for the crime, it's must be part of the law, there is a court statement, psychological data and data prison etc as a comparison. if the data is just that, is it worth believing its validity ?

Keep ignoring the facts, SJW =)

UK 8.jpg

I'm pretty sure it has already been pointed out to you... but this picture you are sharing doesn't represent or accurately transcribe any of those passages, and many of them are out of context.
You are sharing misinformation to promote your views.

Wow - you really are just a mouthpiece of right-wing racism.

Don't even want to spend time on you, and will vote for a witness that will try and keep you so-called "1st Amendment preachers", off this site.

You have a right to shut the fuck up. You also have the right to make articles that are not ripped off the internet, and based on facts. Instead you are trying to incite islamophobia and promote hate!