After one week of training of being a room attendant here in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I learned many things not only about how to fix a room properly, but also about the culture and the language of the people here in Saudi. One of the expressions I will never forget is the word “Shukran” which means “Thanks” or “Thank you”.
And I will show you the reason why I am very grateful.
These sweets are all given by one of our guests. I also have a sweet tooth so the moment I received those, my eyes and my stomach immediately started to light up like a bulb being switched on. Oh, how I wish I could just bring home all of these for my family in the Philippines.
I honestly don't have any idea about the name of these foods here in Saudi but all I know is that all of them are equally delicious. I particularly like the rolled biscuits the most. Its crunchy texture made me remember my beloved Stik-O in the Philippines.
And uhm, who wouldn't be enticed to taste these spoonful of chocolates? I understand that they are just calories in disguise but I just can't get enough them! The ones coating the spoons have different surprises of flavors inside. Strawberry, raspberry, mocha, and even mint. Oh, I really love that mint one! See that mini cylinder chocolates? Those are milk chocolates with some cashew nuts in its surprise center.
And if you think that's all for today, you're wrong. I don't know the name of this food but it tastes sweet. It is comparable to the hopia we have at home. It has a crispy texture on the outside and a nutty surprise on the inside. I just don't know why it has a green color, can anyone enlighten me?
So that's it for now, I hope I have the energy to post daily so that my family in Philippines could just read my daily updates through my blog.
Sending my virtual hugs and kisses from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

Mygad kalami! Ipackage nalang na te oy! Shukran habibi <3
hahahah lami gyud kaau puro
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