Martes de Árbol (Gigantes del litoral) Tuesday of Tree (Giant of the littoral)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

Buenos días queridos amigos, aprecio enormemente el apoyo que brindan a mis publicaciones, es una fuente enorme de motivación. Good morning dear friends, I greatly appreciate the support you give to my publications, it is a huge source of motivation.

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

Para el reto del día de hoy martes de árbol les traigo a este hermoso ejemplar que solo se encuentra en nuestro litoral del Chaco. Esta es una provincia vecina que se encuentra del otro lado de nuestro querido rio Paraná For the challenge of today, Tuesday of the tree, I bring you this beautiful specimen that is only found on our Chaco coast. This is a neighboring province that is on the other side of our beloved Paraná river

Fuente: Álbum Familiar

La ciudad alberga cientos de plazas que contiene una inmejorable variedad de árboles gigantes y preciosos, espero que mis imágenes resulten de su agrado. Las imagenes fueron tomadas en la ciudad de resistencia con una cámara digital Nikon Coolpix B500 The city is home to hundreds of places that contains an unbeatable variety of giant and precious trees, I hope that my images turn out to your liking.the images were taken in the city of resistance with a digital camera Nikon Coolpix B500

Hasta el próximo martes - Until next Tuesday
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El lugar es mui lindo! No ablo espanhol .. estoy tentando.. ^^ gracias pelo compartilhamento das suas fotos. O lugar es lindo, com sol e árvores bonitas 😍🙏

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I wish you a wonderful day and many successes@faowna hello dear friend, thank you very much for your kind words.

Thank you @jlufer have a wonderful night too! And so many successes to you too! 😘😘

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Waww, this place is very very good. I want to going there sometimes 😆

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@ adie89 thank you very much dear friend
I wish you a great day