This has to be the best time of the year... wait fall and spring... you know 75 F clear-sunny skies and a slight breeze...

C’mon, that’s what I am talking about!!
We figured we better get a few holes in before it was time to swoop the kids up from school. Get out get some fresh air, a little exercise (not too much of course 😜) and have a little fun.
Well until you throw your Disc into the Blackberry bushes on hole #6

That should teach that bush not to mess with me while I’m disc golfing.
Back in behind the blackberry bushes there is a little stream that runs though the park. Surrounded by the evil thorns of the blackberries this stream is nice and peaceful and should relax you after your bloody battle with the Blackberry thorns.

We were able to get 9 holes in today, so it wasn’t a bad day at all. This is the 2nd time my Sister-in-Law has joined us and she is starting to get the hang of it. Mama-Splatts is always full of surprises, she threw pretty dang good today

Me on the other hand, I had some decent shots and a few shots where I was lucky to find my disc. I’m pretty inconsistent to say the least but then again I also had a few throws that surprised me. I did manage to lose 1 disc today which is a little frustrating but it is inside the blackberries somewhere....

And I don’t feel like being a human pin-cushion to find it. You win some and you lose some. Oh well
I swear, once your clothes get snagged on one of those thorns of a Blackberry vine the whole thing comes to life and attacks you. Next thing you know this blackberry bush has a death grip on every article of clothing your wearing. All the while leaving you with a nice slice down your arm. Well it happened to me anyway. LOL
I will show this blackberry bush who is boss.... I’m goin’ to eat these tasty blackberries off of your vines. How do you like that huh...huh

Weku post
What course is that?
It’s at a park in Walla Walla, WA. I think it is called the Fort Walla Walla Park, But I’m not sure.
I figured it was Oregon with all the damn blackberries lol
About 5 min from Oregon 😜
I want play!
Looks like you guys came out on top in the battle of the bush. Disc golf with family is good clean fun! Thanks for sharing.
Like older people love a relaxing game of golf. We younger folks enjoy a relaxing game of Disc Golf 😉
We’ve been getting some of that nice weather too!! But yeah I would’ve had to get the berries too, why not!!
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