I’ve spent time around people doin meth and watched their lives deteriorate. It’s been about 18 years since I was living that kind of lifestyle. I would Watch them steel from their own families, and I have seen them do anything to get another bag of meth.
Everything you have written here is exact!! It’s pure evil!! It doesn’t just alter their thought process while doin it. After extended use, it’s permentant!! Meth is what took my mother in law away from us so early. The lasting health effects are deadly.
I’ve dabbled in it myself, you are right, It was when I was down and feeling like I had no future. Thank god i only did it a few times and didn’t get hooked. My past isn’t pretty but my future is bright!!
I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law, but I'm so glad you were able to get out from under it before it got ahold of you!! God bless you @jlsplatts! Here's to bright futures!! :)
God bless you and your family with joy, happiness, and love. Thanks for shedding some light on this evil drug.