When things around me are
that is when the desire gains a little strength.
-It’s not as loud as it once was-
-Its has toned down to a whisper of sorts-
Many small whispers
-Just take a small hit, nobody will know-
-Remember how delicious it tastes?-
-It won’t hurt just to take one hit off of your vape for old times sake-
The slight temptation is still there. Though it doesn’t seem near as strong, it is still there.
My drive to quit is so much stronger than the temptation to startup again, I just laugh.
This road hasn’t been easy and will not continue to be. I just have to stay honest with myself and when I say I Quit That means I Quit
How can I expect to be honest with others if I am not honest with myself.
There are moments when I feel sort of lost and not sure what to do, with all those little 2 minute Vaping sessions.
I guess I never realized how frequently I would hit that dang thing. Well I guess it was a lot when I was vaping between 20-30mls a day.
“Hey Man
Got Any Vape?”
I am definitely making good progress mentally and with the physical behaviors as well.
No sunflower seeds today
Get my mouth healed up a bit. We had Tacos the other night and I could barely put any hot sauce on them at all.
My mouth was on fire and in pain.
Dang Seeds!!
I have got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Take my Wife’s Lincoln Navigator in to get the A/C compressor fixed...again!! I swear it has been every frickin year for the past 3 years I have had to have work done on the A/C system in that thing.
An hour drive there
An hour drive back
Then it’s time to do some
Hopefully I can finish the Duck enclosure.
I went looking for a big roll of Chicken wire and the 2 stores I went to were sold out.
There are a couple other places to check tomorrow.
I did manage to put some vinyl inside their house today.
Or should I say Mansion
This is goin to make cleaning it out so easy.
Well it’s movie time with the Family
Plus it is gettin late.
Until next time
Steem on
Splatts - 4
Vape - 0
Vape - 0
You are making that right decision in your life man. It may somehow be truly difficult at first but remember the prize it sweeter at the end. God bless to your journey man.
Thanks man
Keepin my eyes focused in front of me.
Where I want to be
Not where I have been.
Down with the vape!
Yes sir!! One day at a time. Been smoking cigarettes or something since I was 16 it’s a big life changer.
First week is the hardest. Soon you won’t even think about it anymore!
When I am driving is probably when it is the hardest but that will soon change too.
I know that you are talking about vapeing, but just plain cigarettes are a nasty habit (they make some people smell like an ashtray) Vapeing smells better but I imagine that it is really messing people up inside.
When I went from cigs to vaping it wasn’t that bad. After about a week of vaping I tried a cig and about puked. So stinking nasty.
Vaping is still relatively new so the long term effects are unknown. But I do know that felt a ton better when switching to it. Breathing a lot better, no coughing up junk every morning. Fricking nasty man!!
Those days are gone. 😉
I do not think that smokers realize how they smell to a non-smoker...vaping smells better, but like you said the habit should probably be dropped. :)
I remember getting in the car and feeling like “how am I supposed to drive anywhere without smoking?” Those invasive thoughts start to subside a bit. You’re doing great! Big middle finger to big tobacco who had you and us for too many years. Now, you’re free.