The lexical meaning of desire is defined as to have something to take or to covet or to have such a mind.
It is often said to be a double-edged sword in expressing desire.
"Greed is a trumpet that calls for so much pain." - The Tripitaka Koreana
"Desire draws us to the place where we can not reach, our unhappiness is there." - Rousseau
In religion or philosophy, this desire contains many negative phrases that are the source of all sin. And they always insist that one needs to control his or her desire.
This desire, however, can not be filled in as you crave it.
Wheny you were young, your desire would be usually treated as motivation, dream, or something that is a child's temperament. However, when you get older, you may feel that your desire turns into greed or foolishness.
I want to 'crave' something. It is my personal desire to end up wanting something, but when I use the word 'desire', it turns into a negative nuance.
However, desire has been a source of life, a driving force in human development, and inspired new innovations.
"What is the driving force of life? The first is desire, the second is desire, and the third is desire." - Stanley Kunitz
"Why are you trying to find meaning? Life is desire, not meaning." - Charlie Chaplin
It is up to the individual to treat the desire with the gaze that there is also the gray which is not black or white, or dichotomically sees the world dichotomically in the confrontation of a world view which sees this desire.
But if this desire goes too far, it will hurt somebody and sometimes lead to countless disasters.
But as for me, desire is the reason I exist in my life. I want to have a nice house and happy family. I want to have billions of dollars, so I can travel somewhere without worrying about money, studying abroad. All these desires live so close to me. Even at this moment I am writing in Steem my desire is to make lots of stimians visit my blog and upvote for me. It is really damn true.
Desire can be described as many words and has a variety of shapes according to my situations. Whether the desire is good or bad, what it says to me is very sweet. (I cannot help but to listen to it)
Beautiful writeup!Thanks for sharing.@jkim1285
Thank you for your comment. Kee