in #life8 years ago

I have moved house 4 times in the last 47 years of married life, and each time I have planted an APPLE TREE.



The first three moves were short lived with a maximum of three years at each of the homes. In each case the trees had only just started to fruit. However I would like to think that the new owners were grateful recipients.

We have lived in our current home for nearly 30 years and the APPLE TREE is probably our most useful and best loved asset. It's benefits include.

** The most versatile of apples. I so wish I could remember the variety. Early in the season they are excellent cooking apples, but as the season progresses they become the most delicious and juicy eaters ever.

**The beautiful pink blossom heralds in the start of spring.

**Planting a tree, anyway and anywhere, can only be a good thing in today's world .

**The taste and freshness far exceeds any apple you can buy in the shops.

** The apples are completely organic. There are no pesticides or chemicals used in their growth. I've even heard that some bought apples are sprayed to make their skins tougher in transport!!

** FREE APPLES for up to three months of the year and longer. I box some of the better ones up to eat at Christmas.

**The tree is so prolific that neighbours and friends are all able to share in the bounty.

** It is a haven for wildlife including bees, birds and squirrels.

Sadly I am well aware that a lot of people don't have the benefit of a small garden. However there is now a tiny variety of apple trees that is grown for patios and presumably this could include balconies.

BUT, if you are able, to next time you move get planting !!!


I don't understand why anyone with a yard wouldn't plant a fruit tree. Its so much free food.