For start, sorry for my english is not very good but i try it.
Three days ago, I found a publication thanks to other friends, it made me think about this word and I decided to talk about it. It's amazing to see a publication with commentaries, where 2 out of every three words are offenses and vulgarities that for me have no place in a community like Steemit, in my opinion. Perhaps more than one will have published on this topic, the truth is I do not know because I have little time on the platform, but I feel that I already love the Blockchain and Steemit in particular, I am hooked on this and it is becoming part of my life, here is a potential to change the world for the better and it seems a waste to use it to just insult one another.
What is Tolerance?
- a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
- a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one's own.
- interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one's own; a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint.
The TOLERANCE a word so small that could avoid such big problems. A concept so short and without so much complication to understand it, but how difficult it is to apply it. The International Day of Tolerance is celebrated on November 16 of each year.
"Tolerance is an act of humanity, which we must nurture and enact each in own lives every day, to rejoice in the diversity that makes us strong and the values that bring us together." — UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay
In the world there are hundreds of millions of people and it is evident that everyone has their way of thinking, their ideals, customs, opinions, in short, many particularities that make each individual unique, well the saying says "each head is a world"

For the simple fact of not putting this term into practice, there are usually in the world hundreds of millions of fights, wars, any number of atrocities, millions of people have died, many others have been humiliated and a host of unpleasant situations, and continue to happen, in fact, at this very moment that I write these words, there must be happening any number of situations like the ones I mentioned, it seems incredible but it is that true.
Now, in view of the fact that human beings are animals of the Homo-Sapiens spice, we are rational and this is supposed to differentiate us from other animals, but sometimes, we are not as rational as we say, because, our animal instinct betrays us, at the time of not being able to separate our emotions in certain situations.
When we meet someone who thinks differently from us or who simply has another custom that is not right for our opinion, or simply because we are different from ourselves, we make the mistake of wanting to impose our thinking, or of considering that we we are the ones with the absolute reason. We begin to judge or criticize, without even knowing if we are really right, we may even be wrong, but in all case, it is not the way of carrying things, in many other situations nobody is right, they are simply different ways of thinking, but if the situation is not addressed in the best way, we can easily provoke a conflict, and move from a debate to a strong discussion in which we can hardly avoid being visceral, our animal instinct flourishes and we begin to act irrationally, forgetting completely what are reason and logic, INTOLERANCE comes into play, which evidently is nothing more than not respecting others.
Who has not lost control in a similar situation and start acting irrationally?
I think that no one can say never. The point is to start applying the concept of TOLERANCE, we have to learn to respect the ideas, customs and opinions of others. I'm not an expert on it, but;
Who has not heard, count to 10 when you find yourself in such a situation?
I am almost sure that everyone who is reading this, said it hearded, is a very good technique, to lower the intensity of the emotions that are in those moments. Also remember that we must treat to others as we want to be treat, this rule will help us to be more tolerant.
When we are facing situations like this, stop, think things over, calm down, do the count to 10, avoid using offensive words and if none of this works for us, let's just withdraw, otherwise, we will lose control and our visceral instinct will do its thing , the offenses, the bad words will begin and it will not be good for anyone. It's not an easy task, but I invite you to think a bit about this and trie to aplly it.
There is nothing more beautiful like the interaction between people, sharing ideas and opinions and discussing them healthily, promotes mutual support and growth as a person, creating prosperous societies in the path of progress and success, respect, helps us to foster a quality society.

Well friends, I say goodbye to you, I hope that these words will fill you with love and tolerance, positive mind, this way we will build the world that we dream
TOLERANCE is the basis of RESPECT and respect is the basis on which a SOCIETY is founded.
Great article, @jimhutch! And your English is quite understandable.
There will always be people who thrive on conflict, and create conflict just to be entertained.
I look at Steemit like I look at the world around me. Some parts of the world I just avoid because I am not interested in getting involved in the activities of that space.
Ideally there would not be a lot of things published on this platform that are being published, but then it becomes an issue of censorship. At times censorship is necessary, just like laws are necessary, but most people here do care about this space being a place where differences can thrive.
@mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 17 FEB 2018.I've upvoted and resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the
Thank you for supporting me @mitneb, and you are right, sometimes we need rules, although it would be an issue of censorship, and it is good that there is a space where we can discuss ideas, but always in a healthy way, without having to get to the offenses, you can have an opinion, I another, and together we share them respecting us, it is very important to be tolerant so that the respect flows.
Cheers!I agree with you 100 %, @jimhutch!
Si se entiende amigo, no es necesario disculparte jajaja
Tienes excelente contenido en este post, te felicito por hablar sobre ello, de verdad que la tolerancia es importantisima para una vida sana en comunidad pero lamentablemente muchas veces nos cuesta ponernos en los zapatos de los demás y publicaciones como esta nos recuerdan que debemos ser respetuosos todos los días. Saludos.
Muchas gracias corazón, precisamente por eso hable de este tema, para concientizar un poco a las personas, si todos ponemos nuestro granito de arena, crearemos el castillo. Y me disculpe por que se que suelo cometer errores de gramática en el inglés xD.
excelente mi amigo jim este articulo esta muy adecuado a nuestra forma de vida en la actualidad ..... lamentablemente vivimos en un sistema muyyyyy poco tolerante
Gracias, muchísimas gracias, por eso mismo hay que intentar día a día a ser más tolerante, para conseguir vivir en armonía y felicidad.