I feel fortunate that I am willing TO FEEL the intensity of letting my baby 👶🏻pass through my birth canal and do this work together. I feel fortunate I am strongly faithful to believe that I can make this a beautiful experience. I will feel the pain, hopefully I will transform it into the most beautiful sensation, and then I will feel the joy of holding my baby, of seeing his first breath, hearing his first cry, and see Marc’s eyes melting of love for us.I feel fortunate that I have the courage and the right support team (my tribe) to plan a natural home birth; fortunate that a home birth is my first option. I don’t intend saying that this makes me any better than any one who planned her birth differently… I feel fortunate my baby and I are healthy and strong, I feel grateful I live in a country that offers clean safe conditions for #homebirth 🌺
... and 40 weeks pregnant on my due date (which is rare) I gave birth.
Wow, I'm glad I found your blog. What a beautiful yet real account of child birth. I can't stand the fear some people have tried to instil on me about my inevitable labour, but equally can't stand it when people sugar coat their experience. I don't want to feel like it's beyond my capability, but I also don't want to feel like there is something wrong with me when the experience isn't as pain free and easy as some people have made out.
I just want to know that the pain will be worth it. And judging by that beautiful picture I'd say it definitely will be!