The Great Debate #1 - Alex Jones.

in #life7 years ago


Steemit seems to be a fantastic place for open discussion with people from all around the world.

I would love to start a series of debate posts where we can all discuss different subjects from all view points.

I can't imagine a more controversial character than Alex Jones, host of the infowars news program.

In case you don't know who Alex Jones is.. some may call him a crazy conspiracy theorist.. some call him an American hero.

His news broadcast has grown rapidly over the last 15-20 years.. and some of the stuff he is saying is totally outlandish.

He talks about sex changing chemicals in the water, pedophiles in the government.. and boy did he do a job on Hillary Clinton.. many people credit Jones with getting Donald Trump elected.

Donald Trump has been on his show, he has generals, politicians, ex military and ex CIA on his show regularly.

Is there something too this? Is what he has been screaming to the world for the last 20 years, indeed true?

I propose we have an open debate about this, posting videos, documents, links and evidence from both sides of the debate.

Only evidence, along with logic and reason will win the argument.

To get this post going.. i will send $5 steem to 3 random responders.

I will choose at least 3 people to receive the reward.. whoever i find posting the most useful or insightful information.. and if this post does well.. i may just give out a few extra rewards for good comments ;)


What do you think of Alex Jones Of


God bless Alex Jones!!

Hi @jimbojones if I remember correctly you are are in Australia. It's cool that people in Australia are watching stuff like Alex Jones and his shows.

Well.. I'm an American myself and I've known about Alex Jones for maybe 9 or 10 years now.

He's from Texas which is is like half southern culture (east Texas) and half western culture (west Texas).

Alex Jones is sort of a mix of both. Btw, that's just my opinion as a person who has spent a substantial amount of time in the south (Mississippi) and the north (Iowa and Illinois).

You might be thinking why is all that northerner, southerner and western stuff a factor?

Well, its because people in these regions are typically brought up in very different worlds (yes, even in 2017 and probably for many, many years to come). A person like Alex Jones may have a view point on America which others in country might not be able to relate or even imagine as being what they know as America (that includes present day and thoughts regarding America's troubled past).

I watch Alex Jones on Youtube sometimes and I often find some his (and his crew's) news to be entertaining and sometimes worth looking further into certain stories.

Like all news (including mainstream) there are some inherent problems. For example, they are all trying to report the LATEST BREAKING NEWS (this includes Alex Jones and his crew of reporters) and in doing so they often get some of the details wrong at first. This happens with all news. Later on down the road Alex Jones is sometimes called out for being wrong (and being a fearmonger) about stuff while the mainstream media gets a free pass.

Lastly, politics (and culture) in the United States is like a football game. It's a two party system and the average American thinks that all ideas, viewpoints, and positions on just about every topic have to fit into either the blue team or the red team.

That has always seem outright loony to me but what can I do? I just be myself and try not to let the two party system get to me too much. That being said, Alex Jones and his show is interesting to watch even if just to get a different perspective on things.

So many good points :)

I can imagine the East Texas / West Texas thing.. i have lived in many parts of Australia and i have seen many different people who live in all kinds of worlds.

What is the difference between the two, religious ideologies?

And i think pointing out about info wars trying to break news.. just like any news station or news paper they are in a rush to get that story off.. and well sometimes the facts just get in the way.. or might not even be available at the time.

From what i have seen in America.. the two party system has been replaced by a series of corporate lobbying interests.. that's who makes the laws now.

I am in Australia yes :)

I cant get over his annoying voice

Great interested to know more. about this your innovative concept. Thanks for this...keep it up

Jones and inforwars is hardly someone I could recommend for a news, political opinion, and commentary platform. However, its extremely entertaining watching him yell about inter dimentional child molester while he flails around turning red in the face. They may be politically powerful child molesters out there but Jones method of "exposing the truth" is so essentric that he makes it seem like a parody, and disscredits every conspiracy that he touches. I think He does more harm then good in the conspiracy sector by delegitimizing real corruption. It seems he gets 1 in 10 claims in conspiracies correct, which I guess is a certain form of success.

" is so essentric that he makes it seem like a parody, and disscredits every conspiracy that he touches".

^^^ I think that's one of the main reasons Alex hasn't been killed off. He can be dismissed. I wonder if that is a conscious tactic on Alex's part. I think he's intelligent enough to use such a tactic.

Going back 10 years I felt that my girlfriends mother was a crackpot for being into Alex Jones. In the last year I've started listening to Alex Jones almost daily, and what I've come to realise is that a lot of what he says is actually true. The usual instinct is to conclude that what he's saying is so crazy, so you don't bother to check the references he provides. When you actually go to check, it often turns out that he's spot on.

We live in a world where even looking into conspiracy theories is considered to be nuts. For the longest time I thought the Federal Reserve and New World Order conspiracies were insane... and then I actually read books on the issue and the theories are actually facts which can be backed up by the key players involved.

People like Alex present more truth than any "MSM" organisation. We need people like him, because our world is certainly becoming an Orwellian nightmare at a rapid pace.

Thats an intresting point, however its not how often that hes right or wrong that is my main concern. Its that his method speaking in screaming-dramatic-monologes looks to the average person to be just an insane person, thus people associate, say pizza gate for example to be an idea harbored by lunatics, even though there may be credible evidence of a child sex abuse ring in politics. Now that hes famous has alienated an even larger portion of the general population that may not have dissmised pizza gate had a calm and collected case been made by someones else.

That's a really good clip.. from what i have seen on Jones's show he really limits talking about aliens and demons.. although i think he really believes in alot of this stuff.

I think what he believes in may be similar to David Icke.. might have to have one of these discussions about him too ;)

Although 1 in 10.. i think that may be a bit high?

Having been a researcher in the deep state machinations for over 30 years, I can say with certainty that I believe Jones to be controlled opposition. However, that said, I believe Jones is a great stepping stone for people waking up from the zombie nightmare and peaking into the true light of day. Lots of what Jones reports is true and important for people to know who have just been listening to mainstream baloney their whole lives. Jones provides a service in that way: infowars is like freshman liberal arts class, the first step in opening one's mind to the wide wide multiverse and beginning to peel away the socially engineered veil. Thank you AJ! Also, I enjoy him in spurts on an entertainment level and I also take his Brain Force supplement regularly because it truly is the best neotropic on the market for the price. What do other folks think!? Thanks for the fun discussion.

I can agree to some extent, whilst at least some of the info he provides seems accurate and insightful, I have heard, and seen evidence, that he is a CIA plant. If I can find some of that evidence again, I will post it here

Yes, please do :)

I have heard he is a plant.. although most people base this on the fact he doesn't rag on the Jews very much.

Although he does when needed to i don't really buy that.. he just doesn't think they control the world like some people do. It's a big mix of houses, special interest groups and other factions all vying for position.

I have thought about this alot.

If Alex Jones is a plant.. his only purpose can be to start a war or revolution.. there would be no other point in what he's doing.. unless i am missing something.

The only thing he does is spread information and get people riled up.. so his end goal must be to start a war or revolution.. if he indeed is a plant.

Got any evidence on him being a plant?

You re probably right about the power groups but now he doesnt have a problem mentioning groups anymore. It's all just the left, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC allied with islam that runs the world.
Alex Jones current effect weather willingly or not is to polarize the people, exemplified by what happened in Charlottesville the other day.

An interesting book on the topic of the competing power groups : Scarlett and the Beast
by John Daniels (available as pdf with a google search)
Dont be scared away by the christian overtones if you are not a christian, there is deep historical research in the book.

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After watching some of his videos, I realized that I can't connect with him as a person. I simply do not have the fear context that is so prevelant in his presentations.

My brother can't stand his voice.. Alex has a very strong personality i bet that would drive many of people away.

Keep it up! Thanks for all you do, I'll follow you.

Thank you much appreciated :)

LOL Alex doing a report on Michelle Obama being a tranny..

Man this can be so true :). Yes when you think of this , there is something about this. And that moment when she is going out of the car ... bizzare ...
I wander what about the Serena Williams , she looks like one too also.
I mean she is stronger than many male tennis players. Hitting the ball 200 km/h...

I used to listen to Alex Jones everyday. Not so much after Trump got elected. There was nothing wrong, I just kinda felt like, "mission accomplished. now let's move on." Well, as we can see, people don't want to move on.

Personally, I think that our country (assuming you're an American) needs people like Alex Jones because governments have the tendency to move towards tyranny. It's just human nature. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If there is a way to obtain more and more power, it's just in our nature to grasp for it.

The more people on the lookout to curtail the government's power by pointing out potential threats to the population to make us more docile and malleable, the better. Bring on the debate!

He just lies about most of the things. No one needs alex jones in my opinion

Can you give some examples of him lying.. i would love to see them :)

I know most people i have asked this question too.. will mentioned Sandy Hook.

I am guessing because everyone saw the Megan Kelly interview and she pointed that out.

Although Alex jones has been on the air for what.. 15 or 20 years?

He doesn't stop talking.. so 20 years of lies?

That is alot.. every video he has produced must have multiple lies.. can you give some examples :)

Will be some free steem in it for you if you can come up with some good examples ;)

I remember the one about the school shoot out being staged?

Sandy Hook you mean :)

That's why i mentioned that one.. because in the Megan Kelly interview she points that out.. and this is the example everyone gives.

I agree alex stuffed up there.. but can you give me another one, or another 10.

20 years on air is a long time and if hes making everything up.. well that's alot of bullshit out there isn't it we should be able to find lots of examples.

Yeah that's a very good point.. i think we need people like this to at least have the other side.

Many people won't like Alex Jones.. but perhaps we need him and others like him.

If we had all view points and information coming from one central source.. well that's just a recipe for disaster.. and we have numerous examples from history.

This is all very interesting except its no longer relevant as the show has become 90 percent about how great he thinks Trump is. The show used to be much more interesting.As far as the past shows I think people should definitely listen and look into what he's saying and check his references . It could quite possibly change a persons world views or at least challenge what you always believed to be true.

all the american politician are marionets of some rich bitches who move them around like they want. im from switzerland but i had inoth of this "good system" im traveling the world now since 4 years and i coud see a loot of cultures and people around the world and i make an expamle here where im right now in peru its so corupt the police insteat of giving you a ticket he ask the half of the fine but direct cash in his hand this coruption we dont have in eu neather in usa but there are more coruption than you belive in 1 world coutries its just if youre somebody ore you have tonnes of money you will have a red carpet for the rest of youre life what ever you do.. nice post will be debating on your blog :D

This is one of the biggest problems in first world countries.

The people with money.. pay the people in the government to change laws.. so they make more money. Simple.

Go look at any new law made.. i betcha someone is making some big money from it ;)

Why do you think we have so many new laws lol.. do we need them?

I for one think not.

Alex Jones is an entertainer, much like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager, Sam Seder, Rachel Maddow, etc. He is quite adapt at his craft and seems to be reasonably successful. Rather than comedic interpretation of the current events, i.e. The Daily Show, Infowars engages in dramatic interpretation of current events.

Due to 24-hour cable "news" shows, information is presented unfiltered to the public. Much of "news" is just raw data continuously replayed on a loop without analysis, context, or prioritization. The public does not obtain news, but rather confused jumble of data, spewed by various so-called "experts" whose only purpose is to fill the allotted time slot for a particular news hour.

Mr. Jone's show, like most of his other current event entertainers, provide a facade of organization and context to the obfuscating mess of the major "news" organizations. He is not a journalist, but an entertainer playing a journalist; his show can be viewed as a satire of the entire concept of cable "news" done in dramatic fashion. The difference between CNN and Inforwars is that Inforwars at least organizes the data into some type of context, CNN is a garbage dump from which data oozes out.

Altough the way they organize data is just used to sell their suplements

Hmm interesting..

Rather than comedic interpretation of the current events, i.e. The Daily Show, Infowars engages in dramatic interpretation of current events.

This is an interesting way to look at it, and i think you may be correct.

Or at least that is a major draw card.. and will keep users attention for longer.

Although i feel one key selling point.. or one key thing that differentiates Alex Jones's show is what he is talking about.

For example Corruption in the government is rarley mentioned on TV.. the pedophilia scandels etc.. none of this is put on mainstream media.

So would you say this information he gives out.. is less of a draw card than the way he acts?

I also liked your thought on the way the raw data is just played on a loop..

Something i have noticed with Alex Jones is he will repeat himself often and also rant on alot.. so a 1 hour show may only contain 5 minutes of information.

I wish he would show more evidence, more documents.

Alex could make a much better case for what he is saying if he didn't rant on.. although its pretty funny to watch..

Mr. Jones' rants are akin to Late Night monologues and skits for his audience. Late Night shows are "interview" shows, but most of the audience tune-in for the comedy. Similarly, I think most of Infowars audience tune-in for the rant of the day; both seem to be a way to contexualize the data and channel outrage, either in sarcastic humor or angry monologue.

I think the current major news media are quite interested in Pres. Trump's corruption and possible crimminality. They also have "rant" segments too. I think the major news outlets are mimicking Infowars; a sort of life immitaing art.

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Alex Jones has a tendency to go over the rails at times, but many,many outlandish things he has said have turned out to be true.

Shorts, precise.. and true ;)

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I put him in the list of people who plays with the fears of the population. His whole program is based on injecting fear into his followers in order to profit off of them by selling his overpriced Vitamin stuff. So i can say he is more a creepy salesman than a good reporter.

Yeah i can see that view point.. he could seem like a snake oil salesman.

I see him promoting his stuff all the time.. asking people to buy stuff to fund the show.

But what about what he says?

Nothing wrong with selling stuff.. but do you think what he is saying is true?

Because if it is.. we got some real problems on our hands.

And if he is just making everything up.. well he should be put off air.

You can't go around making up stuff about wars, politicians murdering people, murderous santatic groups.. and spread that to millions of people.

That's some serious stuff.. if its all fake he should be taken off air?

So is it fake?

Like other commenters said, he is in my opinion a mixed bag of nuts. I think there some truths to his topics but he just blows it out of propotion and it becomes unrealistic. All things are seen in the eye of the beholder, so i think we should spread our news consumption over different channels to get an average of all. You also dont put your investments in one pot...
I quite like to watch "secular talk" on youtube. Its not as left as tyt but also not as nuts as infowars.... i try to stay somewhere in the middle.

Spot on!

I have mixed feelings on Alex Jones. I believe alot of what he says is based in some truth but his presentation throws people off. My problem with it is I'm pretty sure Infowars is owned by time Warner.

That's very interesting.. if info wars was owned by time warner.. well that would kinda prove alex is controlled opposite. Possibly.

Where did you get this idea from? Any sources :)

Did you see him flip out on piers morgans show?

I love a good debate! I am not here daily (yet), but I wish there was a way to tag people so they know one is available.

Regarding Alex Jones, I first started watching him 10 years ago. I got to the point that I felt he was a plant, and I could not stand his voice. I am still there, though occasionally I do watch him just to see if I can change my mind. Not there yet. :)

I am using - It seems to give me pop up notifications when people reply.. although it seems to miss some i think.. i like it tho check it out :)

My brother can't stand his voice lol that's why he won't watch his show :P

I will check it out. Thank you!

Like all of us, Alex Jones is a mixed bag of nuts. He tells more truth than any other reporter I know, but he is his own worst enemy with his frantic delivery and insatiable ego. Still, he has awakened more people than any other single person I can name, save MAYBE Ron Paul.

Yeah i think that's Alex Jones's biggest problem.. i think he takes to much of that brain force stuff hehe..

If Alex was a bit more like Tucker Carlson.. and used effective questioning to get information from people.

When you question people.. you can get them to say anything.

Drive the conversation anywhere.

And with effective questioning you can win any argument.

If you just yell at someone they will shut down and not take in the information.

Jones espouses classical liberal economics. A theory which developed when there were unlimited resources and less than a billion people on the planet. This is his greatest flaw, IMO, in not recognizing that this system of economics is no longer sustainable.
He also espouses a type of Christian literalism which is completely unjustifiable with the knowledge we have today, although true, he's like Teflon when pressed on this issue......

When you say classical liberal economics.. do you mean when Alex talks about how he wants free trade and an open market?

A very good point about his Christian literalism.. i think he tries to hide it.. but i think he is taking the bible a bit too literally.

The same with aliens or demons.. you know he wants to talk about them.. but he tries not too.

I am guessing not to throw off his audience, i know if you research the stuff he is talking about it leads to some very dark places.

Yes, basically an 1850 economic construct best described by, Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations.
The thing is though, it was never really a free market. Only a small percentage of elites got to play that game and really nothing has changed in that regard. What the elites have done, though, is turn the economies of the world into casinos. The whole economic structure is corrupt as the summer day is long.
And this is where the worm is hidden within all these conspiracy theorists from Jones to Dubay: they take the message away or divert attention away from​ the corruptness of the casino. Jones by espousing a fallacious​ never has existed economic model which plays perfectly into the agendas of the elites and Dubay by diverting attention to the nonsensical and fallacious​ laden Flat Earth theory.....
Here is a link with someone actually taking about the correct issues:


Anything that keeps people sharing ideas and beliefs constructively is a go with me. Personally, I feel that Alex and his message are a little over board. Do I believe that the government is doing corrupt deals and such, of course. I just can't go along with every theory he proposes. Maybe in the beginning he was a neutral voice in the political arena, but clearly he has chosen sides and is making waves towards the opposite party. One things for sure, his website is a giant billboard of corporate greed now.

His website is a giant billboard of coporate greed.. how do you mean?

Did you not follow the link to his store? It's filled with re-branded BS.

I didn't see similar products on other places. And he is branding them that is for sure.
I don't think they are bad products

I always liked Alex Jones. I have mixed feelings about his show, as he does go over the top. His love for Trump is annoying.

However, most of the people who hate him in the mainstream couldn't hold a candle to him in terms of knowledge. I respect anyone with that much wealth of knowledge.

Also, whenever people tell me Jones is just a joke, I point them to a video he put out on August of 2001 warning the US Government that "they better not" have a terrorist attack carried out by Saudi Arabia in September of that year so that they could sell the country on war with Iraq.

So there is that...

Where is that video.. i would love to see it :)

Very good point about his knowledge.. it seems Alex Jones has studied and read alot.

Although he could just be making it all up ;)

Here you go. He's so young!

Yeah wow.. a great example of Alex telling everyone things before it happens.

$5 of steem has been sent you kind sir for your time.. spend it wisely :)

Transfer 5.000 SBD to chieppa1 Good comment -

Thanks man! I really appreciate it. Got yourself a new follower!

Alex Jones is an actor who has started to believe in its own character. The amount of "information" he shares about subjects he has no knowledge about is in fact scary. But, in the beginning, I used to listen to his show because I found it funny. Now it is just sad the number of people who believe in "news" from his show.

I think your gonna need to give some examples to backup your statement :)

This is a great discussion @jimbojones as I listen to Infowars. I believe that he is genuine but must admit when you come across him first he comes across as arrogant, crazy and over powering. But you get used to that over time. He is the most powerful vanguard of truth so needs to ensure he dosent go to far and gets destroyed ..

Thanks, i am glad you like it.. and i am finding it very interesting :)

I used to watch Alex Jones a fair bit but not so much anymore.. only because he's so in your face.

But yes when i want to see different view points i will check Alex along with other sources.

Say a terrorist attack happens.. if you just listen to one news paper you will only get a small percent of the information available.

If you read all the news papers.. you will have as much information as possible ;)

Have you discovered Martin Armstrong?.
Excellent stuff


His website is great and logic behind his stories is just fine.
I think he just made mistake backing up Mr.Trump ... But as more I think of that moment it seems like that Mr.Trump is playing some big game and in behind he is doing his own things ...
Will see how it will develop in future

Hehe yeah i agree.. i was all for trump especially with Alex pushing him so much.. but well who knows what trump is doing now.

Although behind the scenes is much more complex than any of us can imagine.

If you are intelligent you can see through what is entertainment exaggerations and what is the truth. But you also see how little content he has to use to create hours of content. Lots of talking points nothing much new persay. I think he is a good entertainer, good marketer, and well somethings he is dead on right about. Other times it's exhausting getting the information that you think is good, or even productive.

Very good point.. that's why i have gotten bored of watching his show. One 5 minute peice of information will become a one hour show. And if you cut out Alex's ranting its 5 minutes lol..

I wish he would sit there and just flood us with information, documents and witnesses. Everyone is listening, maybe just slow down on that brain force stuff Alex :)

Alex jones I think started with well intentions, but I'm a little skeptical when popular thinkers "conspiracy theorists" sites are being shutdown and videos taken off but somehow he thrives and gets many "of those in charge" to speak on his show. I hope he's doing it for the people

Yea that's another great view point i feel the same.. although it seems facebook and google are targeting him, if it's not for the people we are in trouble hehe :P

Who knows- maybe he'll surprise us all and admit he's bill hicks 😋

Alex has done a few things in the past that could have value for new comers in the whole conspiracy realm, for example some of his movies (endgame, bohemian grove, skull and bones). However since the last 4 or 5 years he has completly morphed into a standard neocon and now has become a trump propaganda outlet. The way I see it he is actively working to help polarize the people of the US even further. It used to be he would at least expose the false left right paradagm now it's all just the DNC and ''the left'' that are the problem. When people used to confront him about not mentioning the freemasons, the zionists or the vatican he always said he doesnt mention them because he does not want to attack any groups. He doesn t seem to have any problem with that now that him and Watson spend their time bashing muslims (like a 5th of the world population) and furthering the conflict of civilisation agenda. If you read the comments below those videos it s all like ''nuke meka'' ''we need a new crusade'' and stuff like that. Since Donald Trump was elected he has also been covering up very deliberatly everything wrong that he has done, even going so far as justifying all of his actions against North Korea, Venezuela, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, and his Saudi Arabia weapons deal. Just take a look at the titles of his youtube channel, it's all stuff that is meant to polarize people, when that is exactly the agenda of the elite. He is now, knowingly or not (I suspect knowingly), actively working against freedom.
If you want a real source of information, check out William Cooper's mystery babylon series on youtube.

Interesting post, I really like this kind of postings.
I will always wait for something new from you. thank you

I love this guy. I love all the conspiracy guys. The big question are these guys really bringing important information to the people? If they are 100% correct how does it affect everyday people? I am completely powerless over all the external factors of my life. The only thing I can control is what I do. "They" say that the world is going to end september 23rd when Nibiu comes by. Could be . I guess will have to see. Until them I am going to do the next right thing and write posts for steemit

I find Alex Jones and Info Wars a wealth of great news and one of the last bastions in the fight against the far left 'fake news' agenda.
Having said that Alex was on the Joe Rogan podcast and had an alcohol fuelled rant about inter dimensional child molesters, love him! 😂