Motivation: the first step towards our growth

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Motivation Post 1a.jpg

Motivation, that state that drives us to achieve certain ends, is something that we must preserve in each cycle of our evolution, but ... What should motivate us to move forward above the circumstances, even if these are adverse? ... Sky is the limit, work motivations, personal or self-actualization we get from various factors, external stimulate our action or our own inner strength to motivate ourselves and pursue our desires; ask ourselves… What do we want to do? What are we trying to achieve? When pursuing a dream is as important as how will we do it? And what inspires us to do it.

The Maslow Pyramid and the satisfaction of our needs:

Piramide de Maslow English.jpg

Abraham Maslow, American Psychologist, one of the greatest exponents of humanistic psychology, established at the top of his pyramid of "Hierarchy of Needs" self-actualization as the summit of the human being when he experiences the sensation of harmony with himself and with his environment. This means that as the Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging and Esteem needs are met; the desire to develop personal potential appears. Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" exposes those insufficiencies that the subject seeks to satisfy; for example, in primary needs, physiological needs, the need to feed or drink water is motivated by appetite and thirst, something already innate in the individual; in the highest, Self-actualization, the search for our noblest inner aspirations drives it.

Kurt Goldstein, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist of Prussian origin, was the first to establish "self-actualization" and defined it as "the tendency to realize himself as much as possible, it is the basic impulse ... the impulse of self-actualization." Taking into consideration such a concept, that encounter with ourselves that motivates us to achieve high achievements should be considered the main objective in our lives.

What are the motivations that drive us to achieve achievements?

Psychology establishes the following types of motivation:

Extrinsic motivations, which come from external factors such as recognition and the benefits it brings.

Intrinsic motivations, those that come from the same subject. In such a case you feel satisfaction of doing what you want and the benefits of self-realization and progress for the experience that runs.

Positive motivation, which gives us positive rewards.

Negative motivation, which drives us to avoid negative results.

Basic motivation, determined by the level of commitment that you have with the activity that is carried out.

Everyday motivation, activated by the gratification that is obtained immediately.

Motivation focused on our ego, stimulated by competitiveness.

Motivation focused on the task, driven by the skill and mastery that are acquired in the development of the task.

Needs, motivation and growth

We are born with certain aptitudes that from an early age manifest themselves to take shape as we grow and it is at the moment that we have the notion of decanting them when we feel the motivation to increase this or that aptitude to expand our knowledge and put them back on track the purpose of deepening in the search of what we want to achieve. The motivation is linked to the will and interest because after feeling that encouragement that we need to trigger our movements towards the purpose we pursue, we must persevere in our actions and although there will be moments of greater or lesser enthusiasm in the journey of the realization of our work, it is beneficial to learn to oscillate with the dynamics of motivation to obtain the highest possible performance and thus offer the best of us in each goal to achieve; at the end of a goal there will always be a new objective to fulfill. In this way, when we satisfy a need, a new motivation emerges that leads us to compensate another and so on until we reach the Maslow Pyramid and reach the stage of self-actualization... physical, mental, material or spiritual, which leads to persecution of the mechanisms that allow us to reach it. Each human being is a unique individual with an unrepeatable potential that deserves to be modeled, it is the responsibility of each person to take the greatest possible brightness out of its basic essence in order to achieve its own personal fulfillment.

10 phrases to remember:

● "Accept responsibility for your life. Realize that you are the one who will get where you want to go, nobody else.” Les Brown

● "We all fall to the ground at some point. It's the way you get up, that's the real challenge. Is not it? "Madonna

● "The only difference between success and failure is the ability to act." Alexander Graham Bell

● "Move fast and break many things.

● "Move fast and break many things. If you do not break anything, it's that you're not moving fast enough." Mark Zuckerberg.

● "Whenever you think, think big." Donald Trump.

● "To succeed, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby

● "I am convinced that what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who do not have it is pure perseverance". Steve Jobs

● "Everything you want is out there waiting for you to do it. Everything you want also loves you. But you have to take steps to get it." Jack Canfield

● "In twenty years you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did. So throw off the moorings. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore It sounds. Discover". Mark Twain

● "Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Oscar Wilde

(Source consulted:

(Images: / Design and Layout: @jhomacap) File:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.svg. By User:Factoryjoe (Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs.svg) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons/