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JerryBanfield i watched your post on FB few hours ago. And i decided to add you up and came across your post here concerning getting over any addictions. Concerning the post of being addicted to porn, i know how that feels. I was actually going through that sometime ago. I ones had a girl friend but things didn't really turn out right due to the fact that she wanted someone richer man, she missed her period but went ahead to get rid of it. Ever since then i decided to take a break on girls and have this feel that my hands will serve me more better than any girl. Most times i have this inner guilt in me each time i happen to watch porn and do the usual. But i'm getting through this right now. I have been reading most of your post for sometime now. You might not know this but you are really encouraging a lot of people. I'm very much grateful to have seen you on FB. Thanks a lot.

Do you author any books?

Thought you might find this interesting:

(Jordan Peterson on the Psychology of Addiction - 4min37s)

I find myself way too much in the drinking part.

totally agree

Cute image which looks more like the sender. following you and hope you do same since am new and this is my first day need people of like minds to work with...

"I didn't really pay much attention to how disgusting I felt afterwards, like that horrible sense of shame, like I was a bad person. I didn't pay much attention to that."

There is a biological reason for what you cite here. It's not a failing. Nobody should feel bad about this, or let that prevent them from making changes, should they desire to. I hope this information will free a few viewers from guilt or shame.

Prolactin is a hormone released, among other times, during and after sex. It's function is to counteract dopamine. In other words, it's literally designed to make you feel bad. In fact, it's probably the source of the old joke about how "You don't pay a prositute for sex, you pay her to leave afterward."

Men are literally wired this way, likely to encourage a wider spread of genes.

Bold post Jerry, props.

Read more about it here:

Bold but you got a love his honesty refreshing !

@lexiconical grateful for your insights using science and the brain here which does make perfect sense in evolutionary terms!

That is always a good combination....scientific insights....mixed in with good old fashion common sense and brain power. Isn't it funny though how lazy we as humans have become to even think and analyze certain things independently. We have indeed come a long log way.

"because after a couple of years now, finally my mind is starting to not go to porno by default,"

You've de-hedonically adjusted your brain so that more "normal" sexual experiences are once again exotic.

Think of it like if you had chocolate cake every night for years, it would lose it's ability to trigger the pleasure center of your brain as effectively, just like gaining resistance to a chemical with regular use. What you did is grounded your brain from (sexual) stimuli it hadn't earned, and like a child you un-spoiled, it regained discipline and you regained control.

Steemit is the only drug I need :D

If you got a minute, please have a look at my newest blogpost:
Ethereum vs Bitcoin: A Clash for the Future?
I would love to hear your opinion^^

@licklake thank you for sharing I voted your post up after reading it and would be interested in future posts to see more about what Ethereum can do and how we can benefit from using it!

Thank you so much @jerrybanfield. It's an honor to hear that from you :)


Just did another one. This time about How forks work. Hope you like that too :)

The word addiction to me is a very tricky one. You can love the thing you do and be addicted. But if that's the thing you love that's the thing you should do IMO. Very thoughtful blog @jerrybanfield. I've been following you since my start at steem and I'd like a different topic like this one once a while.



@ernstjan yes the Steemit addiction is probably next and/or in progress!

I think so yeah. I have a suggestion. I don't know how much time u have but I have the feeling that a lot of people want to know more about curating the benefits etc in a simple understandable blog. Are u interested in explaining that topic in a blog in the near future? Would be great.



One of my worst addictions i have is coffein addiction. Back then i drank lots of energy drinks on a daily basis. I remember how many of the kids in my school were calling me out for this and although it hurt always a bit when they were telling me that, i was never able to let go of it. And don't get me started on the amount of money i spent on it, I could cry if I would have to count.
Last November something really intresting happened to me. I was in class doing math and i openend this can of monster energy fruit punch. Very strong sugary flavor that is very hard to drink for many people. So I sipped at it and felt something weird inside me. It felt like something poked at my lung area. after i put the can away and the pain was gone. And at that moment i just said to myself: "No i don't drink this." and just let the can stay on class until someone else threw it away. I broke the chains of my addiction; I was free.

Now truth be told especially now during finals i started drink8ng more coffe and some soft drinks again but it got WAY better than it was before. And i am certain that i can stop to drink anytime i want now. This is a great relief for me.

Nice post as always. I must say a very honest one as well. Thanks :)


I like to hearing your stories about addiction makes me want to grab your book "Speaker Meeting 2017" and give it a read.

@dp1011 appreciate you mentioning the book because you are welcome to have it free in the video course at if you would rather watch?

Thanks Jerry. Your post was helpful to me. Way to stay strong!

@jerrybanfield This was VERY deep! Especially knowing you for about 9 years now! I do remember the stories you used to tell myself and our other friends way back when! I did find myself in similar situation but I do remember your guidance when I was about 19 or 20. This helped me a lot with a life change when i moved to Seattle when I was 21. Your friendship and seeing your growth helped me personally. Now I am in a happy relationship for almost 4 years and getting married next year! I still cant believe this! I know that we both have changed greatly over the past 5 years! I do think the women in our life have had a great impact on our lives! I am grateful for our friendship and happy that we have had such a great turnaround in our lives!

Wow, Jerry another super truthful straight from the heart personal story. You are an honest and brave man and I will always respect you.

I totally agree Jerry -i will add also gambling is also surious problem.If you check my hobby is the soccer games previous.I know what big problem someone has when do not control himself!

I suppose all pleasurable things in life can become addictions, even investing in cryptocurrencies. If done wrong then even this can ruin lives.

Very insightfull and honest post @jerrybanfield !

If you are one of the people struggling with addiction, you should watch this incredible video. It will change the way you look at it:

I managed to quit smoking weed by committing full-time to my lovely girlfriend Hana. So far, it's been half an year and I've been clean! ^_^

Human interaction is key!

That video makes a lot of sense but I have to ask, what do you do if you're an introvert and people and relationships wear you out?

I'm addicted to steemit what should I do?
great post jerry keep it (:

I quit smoking after reading this.

Thanks @jerrybanfield I have a friend who has a gaming addiction and this post will help him... if he reads it. To truly get over addictions then you must understand what is going on with your subconscious.

Reading while Addicting.

Quit one addiction last week - drinking the devil’s liquor! but have always replaced the drink with too much caffeine. Back and forth, back and forth. Nicotine is also a hard one.

I love this article...I am curious though. I've struggled my entire life with pretty much any addiction you can imagine (except drugs)..all the ones you mentioned for sure though. My question is about gambling...I love gambling, that rush you get is pretty much better than even sex for me. It's cool you stopped gambling, but don't you think having money in any alt coins is exactly that? How do you justify an investment? In a lot of ways, seems like throwing your money down on a craps table and rolling the dice....which is what I love about it and hate about. Thanks again for writing all this out...very cool how relatable it is.

Well done Jerry for overcoming your addictions.. Maybe you traded them all in for Crypto '=) Hey at least it's good for you!. Thanks for sharing so much of your private world.. That is inspiring and gives others permission to do the same.

Thanks for this Jerry. :)

@jerrybanfield This article really helped me a lot , I was about to watch porn again today and it helped me control the urges. It is truly a necessity of connection with others that drives my urges.

Do you think we can reach a time were our addiction is beaten? I read what you said about helping others and remembering not to take the urges, but does that mean that you've beaten the addiction ?

While Jerry talk about honesty I love it. I always find teaching somebody or helping them help you to help yourself. keep up the good fight and I look forward to following more of your information God bless

Hi jerrybanfield,

I didn't give up an addition today. But you got me thinking, "What addictions do I have?"

What behaviours or habits do I have that are not serving me, that are not nurturung the best self that I am becoming?

Thank you for that. Warm hugs to you, your wife and your little girl.

Peace and love.

​Niamaat​ aka Teacher Nia
English Language Coach and
Translator (Spanish to English)

P.S. “Be great because nothing else pays.” -– Grant Cardone

We are examples for others. If our words are ot aligned with our own behavior, then those words are for naught and will not have their intended effect.

Your daughter is making you a better person

I love this post, but am addicted to 2 things :

  • cryptocurrency
  • am addicted to lugubrious and atrabilious kind of an attitude. it kils men..
    but with cryptocurrency (steem) am good to go. i love this write-up its helpful bro

looking forward to be addicted in steemit. I can't wait for it.

If only I could see the next years prices of all thr coins from now...

The honesty is real here and that is proof that you know what you are talking about! I quite drinking 13 days ago, from drinking 5 to 6 days a week to nothing. I relied mostly on support here at Steemit, but I am shocked at how supportive my friend were when they heard what I was doing.

Your post was another motivational piece for me. Thank you!

I crave it still, knowing my stress will just melt away as soon as I crack open that cold beer. Yet I know I'm more productive now, so productive that it scares me, what do I do with all this time. My challenge started with Steemit and I'm grateful I found Steemit when I did. It keeps me busy enough to not want that next sip...

Thanks for this mate! Really hit me where it counts.

I am totally with you. Finding a productive and positive hobby (preferably the one that can double up as your work too) can help one quit addictions. Not all addictions are bad but being obsessive about anything is bad. As long as you are in control and the addiction does not control you, you are ok

@jerrybanfield we talked over the phone about a 8-12 weeks ago! You were walking your dog at the moment. Thanks for all of your content. And sharing opportunities. Today has been my very first day on Steemit and I made 8 posts to date. Loving it so far! Thank you so much for being such a giver to the world and the community. You are making a Real impact on Lives!

Jerry is my hero. I have been following him for quite a while.

Good post-Jerry, steem on !

What about a Steemit addition? Is it really possible to quit? Do I even want to?

Lol emphasis on the porno much huh? Anyways, thanks for sharing! lol

Owesome Jerry ^^ but this is too much to read :) I love your videos more than too much reading :) I think I should quit addicting watching your videos 😀😃😎

Great to get rid off your addictions.. but i have to say i think steemit is Also very addicting. I keep Reading and commenting the whole day throug. On the other hand Lets see that as a positieve addiction

Right there with you Jerry!

Full steem ahead good post

i cant quit crypto not yet not till the million lol

Jerry mf'n Banfield, the man the myth the Youtuber himself! lool

your post works for any addiction, thanks

I appreciate your openness and honesty.

I haven't drank in 3 years. when I got sober I discovered I had stolen 2 bottles of jager from a safeway I guess I spent a couple days in a jail in northern california and since I didn't pay the fee for the stolen merchandise because I forgot about it I ended up spending $3000 for both bottles all together. retail $48 max

good stuff here

I'm trying to quit dipping. It's been a hard road. But I know it's what I need to do.

Sweet Jesus Jerry! I have a feeling you can type 800 words / minute and only require 15 minutes of sleep each night!

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