How many times have you worried way too much about something that was going to happen in the future... and then, when it happens, it turns out all your worries were wrong?
If you are like me, your answer is, "hundreds or thousands."
On a recent walk with my five insane dogs, where they almost always get into some kind of crazy situation, I pondered upon why I still worry about anything... when every time I have ever worried in the past it has turned out to have been unnecessary and, in fact, far more stressful than the actual thing I was worrying about!
This dawned on me as I talked about how I waited nearly a year to try my first juice fast. I worried if I could do it? How could I do it? What would it be like?
Finally, one day, after a year of putting it off for the "perfect time" I realized on the very first day of the fast that it was something I needed to do... and it felt amazing.
I should have known... everything I've ever worried about turned out to have been for naught.
But, I did it again just before this video, worrying if I could do a 24 hour dry fast (no food nor water).
You can see how it turned out here:
What it led me to realize is that phrase, "Don't worry, be happy," is a lot more than just a happy song from the 80s. It is telling you exactly what you need to do to be happy.
Hint: Don't worry!

There is definite wisdom is being mindful of 'now' and not obsessing about the past or what 'might' happen in the future.
The irony of being present in the "now" is that it is necessary for a positive future.
Indeed but as long as you're not doing it with a view to attaining happiness somewhere down the line.
I like to think of it as the difference between looking at the world with both eyes wide open and taking in every single detail you can and looking at the world in your peripheral vision only.
You've still got your eyes wide open but you take in so much less because your focus is in the wrong place.
This may sound crazy but there really NEVER is a future. There is only using the present to relive the past or right NOW, which the only reality. The future is well, always NOW. This is hard to realize sometimes.
Indeed but a delicious mind...bender into absolute knowingness it is so and all there is to do is giggle with the feeling
Lol, getting into bitcoin has made my worries worse. I keep thinking about cryptocurrency prices and I constantly check the market! I think I need rehab.. ;)
try Bitconnect and let your investment work for you. https://bitconnect.co/?ref=paquito2 I invested 2k and get about $30 a day and ill get my original 2k back in 6 month plus the interest build. Mean while i use those earnings to buy steem. Better then genesis mining. Just an option.
You are not the only one. I'm 2 weeks in now and it has become somewhat of an addiction. Let's just call it a hobby.... :-P
I feel that when you catch ypurself unconsciously worrying, the realisaton allows you the conscious choice to re direct your mind. Catching the crappy thoughts as they humanly arise and gently choosing a brighter option. Your dog is not stupid, she is just reflecting the part of you that has wandred off from your topic and focus and has to be called back into your pack of personalities to remember where you are...a human condition.....Jeff I suggest for you try a dry fast from your current life...bit coin and all....wild woods....noooooo reception or contact.....Love your work....keeping an eye out for you...Lisa from South Africa
Jeff is on two accounts...smart man :)
@paco nice
yeah i am nice :) thanks
thanks sir have a great day
follow me and i'll keep voting for you too :) good day.
followed bro check my post out
Will do :) thanks
I noticed that too, this one seems to be the one where he posts like personal vlogs and the other one is more about business.
Actually he has one account for his show on youtube and this is his personal account !!
Realised too. Haha yes.
You're absolutely right. It's too long video, though.
This reminds me of a Mao Zedong Quote. If anyone had a reason to worry it was him.
"It's always darkest before it becomes totally black"
Things always look worse when we project into the future. Sometimes problems even go away by ignoring them as the circumstances that provide context for the problem change.
The classic has to be asking a girl on a date, only to find she wondered what took you so long !
lol, true bro.
This is true. Dwelling on the past can hinder your outcome in the future. I'm still finding the best way to implement this in my life, but it can be tough being human and all lol luckily we have a great place like Steemit to vent about things like this :p thanks for sharing Jeff! Love your @dollarvigilante page as well!
I like Wayne Dyers message that there is no point in looking at the wake while you are steering the ship forward, you have no control over the past or the future so may aswell enjoy the illusion of the present. Catch the thoughts that come up about the past and insist to your self to think of pink dolphins and gratitude for everything you can and the bad thoughts vaporise...its a choice in each moment not to be taken personally xx
Wow beautifully said ^_^ thank you for the kind wisdom.
Worrying too much only creates stress, anxiety and this will slowly kill you. Let's smile more and forget the problems. Good reflection.
The future will bring you worries, the past will bring you regrets, the present will bring you life. Enjoy the moment!
Jeff your the one that brought me here..I cant wait to see where it can possibly take me. Totally awesome thank you for that!
Yep, same here, thanks Jeff.
Jeff, that is 100% spot on. I do the exact thing every time. Whatever it is worrying me, in my mind, it is always the worst possible outcome. I mean even crazy off the wall stuff will come to me (with a zero chance of actually happening) And that stupid stuff will make me worry even more. hehe. And, once the situation has come to pass, everything works out fine. Don't know why I do it to myself.
Actually this is my favourite quote about hapiness, it's by president Lincoln :

It's true, everything happens inside your mind, you can be broke aff** and be happy
Agreed. Thanks xx
you're welcome
Great outlook to life. If only more of us saw it this way :)
Wait a second. This is brilliant. Jeff TDV I'm here because of you and I decided, that in my first comment under yours article I will write short message to you.
I can't stand how awesome this platform is. For me, I think, this is a life changing moment. People sometimes like to forget about the
level of influance they have on others life. You are not the only one, oh no, but for sure one of the
most important. Reading and watching DollarVigilante was and still is like reading Ludwig von Mises for the first time: "That is is what I'm saying all the time!" Simply thank you and keep going!
Wow im new here because of you i discover steamit, i vote for you and your money are more then double because of it, wow im happy for you.
Sophie from Montreal
thank you Jeff
Awesome post, been getting into fasting, much easier said than done, but an invaluable lesson in will power.
Thank you Jeff! You are a great man!
very inspirational! thank you for opening my eyes to see that the future can and will hold great things if i just take risks! this will really help me in the future as i am currently a person that will often dwell on the what ifs and the if onlys but now i will only remember the good times and look forward to what the future holds! thank you again!
Agree entirely - people get so stuck in a particular paradigm and the mass media always tries to instill the idea of having to be or have x, y or z in order the be happy, fulfilled, etc...so ridiculous
When I wake up in the morning and feel anxious (I deal with generalized anxiety every day of my life) I sometimes find it helps when I tell myself, "Everything is okay RIGHT NOW. Nobody is coming to get you and nothing is wrong RIGHT NOW. This is perfect RIGHT NOW. All I'm doing is worrying about the future which has never helped me anyway. I'm fine RIGHT NOW". We're hardwired to worry, but you can find moments of relief as well.
Wow listen to the insects! Beautiful area. Glad that you have found your happy place Jeff! Thanks for the food for thought.
1st! :D love all your videos and channels on YT man! keep up the awesome work! :)
Dont worry be happy!🎶 #bobmarley give me a follow!! Come and see more to come!
@jeffberwick always good content bro keep posting ill keep watching upvoted
they say what you think about you bring into your life! Worrying doesn't help. Stress can be terrible for you. Awesome post!
Hello Jeff, I like what you do for Steemit, and your expression at all. You write a lot, that any person can achieve something on Steemit. I tried to do my best, spent a week to write good quality content but had only 35 views for my post. Because I'm new person here, I don't know anyone here, but how can I get followers if their cannot read my story for decide to follow or not. I just dont see the point to begging like "you follow me, I follow you" this is no sense for real social media platfofrm. So we got dillemma, make your opinion please, I will be grateful
Worrying is a great inhibitor for progress. Stop Worrying and Just go do it. :)
Don't worry, be happy lifestyle 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
And be prepared as much as possible. That takes the worry out as well.
Good read, I am looking forward to seeing more motivational and yet eyeopening reads in the future.
Overcome your fear and learn how to use these wings to fly :)
I was in the Army in basic at the time the song was in the charts, good memories. Buddhism teaches me that worrying about something is like anger holding on to a hot coal and it wastes your life away needlessly. Great post thanks.
Nice video blog, worrying sick, yeah, a lot of people are spending way too much time on their fear of getting sick, especially cancer...
Enjoying the moment sounds good to me!
Such a positive message! Everyone needs to see this :)
worrying is the worst misuse of imagination, great post here Jeff!
Good post, I love your topic today
My mom once got kicked out of the Apple store because an employee told her to " have a nice day?" After she proceeded to attacked the person violently. According to her, not everyone is having a "nice" day and it was unsympathetic of the employee to say that to her to have one. Sadly some of us do worry and aren't happy.
keep up the good work been following you along time now
wow nice dog collection. Do you own all the dog? great
Don't worry unless the government is after you, then you can start worrying xD
Love your attitude. What you do for the community is awesome. Hope you keep up the hard work. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Thanks again.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
OMG! I love the dogs. I want one. Great way to see things.
You made my day Jeff thank you i'm happy and never worried about any thing :) !!