On today's "walk n' talk" from the mean streets of Acapulco, Mexico, I get into how we all, to one degree or another, create our own reality.
And, even with the reality we create, we can choose what we want to focus on and even choose how it makes us feel.
I then discussed how I don't think there really is any need for a "justice system"... or certainly not anything like the government systems today that are a force for injustice.
I discussed how karma seems to handle most issues... and people, unless they are sociopaths, will punish themselves more than most others would by living with the guilt of past wrongdoings.
And, for the sociopaths, I discuss how vigilante justice would take care of them pretty quick.
I was mostly riffing on the topic as I walked... not discussing something that I had given months of thought to. But I think a lot of good ideas came out along the way.
You can hear and see more here:
If you have any topics you'd like to see me discuss in an upcoming dog walk let me know in the comments below! And thanks for following me and upvoting!

That interview you did with Dan Larimer on the end of government and bitshares last year....It was so inspirational that I listen to it sometimes just to remind myself what crypto is all about. What we're building here. I like hearing about that. Maybe do a thing on what the possibilities are with EOS and the decentralized future.
Edit: I mean, we are collectively literally creating a new reality on this planet.
A new reality on this planet ? I like the idea of that !
As soon as fiat crumbles, we are already over here having a party and already set up in our new paradigm....fully functional...
A great reality indeed :)
Sounds like an awesome interview. Know where to find it? Thanks in advance!
Great video mate! Always looking forward the walk and talk.
Everyone might look at you weird around your neighborhood because you are always talking to a camera when you walk your dogs lol.
Our thoughts shape our reality. That is what I live by...
Our thoughts are everything. What we think we become
True. Gotta be careful with our thoughts because if you think about it, you attract it, want it or not.
Great thoughts man
]Resteemed and upvoted, wake up people ;) You are what you think you are! Thanks @jeffberwick for great content ;)
Jeff is kickin' it, law-of-attraction style! :-)
Thanks Jeff. maybe go back to the selfie stick - bad Osmo! Agree whole heartedly with your video, my only thoughts re: karma, is perhaps Karma is also another manipulated system term used by the new worlders, that disempowers them. Giving power to karma, is giving away your own ability to make right of what is wrong. Sadly many people entrust karma to balance their worlds, forgetting they can do this themselves, as you say, we create our own universe. Loved the post, candid & honest.
Totally agree. This topic needs more exploration by beings that have a deeper understanding of what it truly is.
Thanks. It's definitely a rabbit hole. The thing is, many people (most not from this group fortunately) spend their lives externally looking for answers, to get them on their rightful path. It's only those that do the work and stand still and look inwards, that see the rabbit hole is actually within us. If everybody just stood still and spent some time with themselves, then all levels of control would dissolve by default. Jeff is correct, in that we have it within ourselves to self-regulate, it's just people don't back themselves enough to see it.
there's multiple realities pick the one you prefer...follow your excitement (what ever makes you happy)
Gotta love that Berwick! What a beauty you are Jeff! Thanks for being real.
I totally agree. Just focus on yourself and thereby create your own reality. You must be happy. Follow your passions and pursue them. As long as you don't hurt anyone, good karma will befall you. You get what you dish out
I got a similar blog I just posted, I guess great minds think alike, do check it out it's about the law of attraction and it's benefits and how to go about implementing it in your daily life. Great post by the way. Positivity draws in positivity .
Jeff, you are becoming quite the philosopher!
Keep up the good work.
Spot on.
I have been thinking exactly the same things.
Cheers! (green juices)
click here!This post received a 1.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thedanzel! For more information,
Jeff, great video. I've been watching Anarchast for a long time now and it's good to see you in real life. I have been studying these subjects for some time now and I agree totally. We each have god power because we are each a small part of god.
Jeff, what's going on? Talk about a transformation over the last 6 months for the better. I almost don't recognize this "Jeff Berwick". Keep it up!
what did he quit scamming or something?
or give up jew baiting?
I agree that to a large degree, we do create our own realities. It is gratitude that brings and inspires wealth within us. We also need find the wealth in things that are not of monetary value and be grateful for that as well.
You truly are what you think about, morning visualisation and affirmation are key to attract your dreams into your reality.
i love to catch ur every blog here and also at you tube
topics for disscussion: Mandela effect
Think, for we are only in the moment!
You are direct result of people you surround yourself with happy independence day everyone however I do not consider America free country at all due to Taxation and inflation
nice post:) and great though.
This is something I think of often, and apply in my own life.
What I've learned, however, is that it takes action coupled with thoughts. To think it is never enough, you must act on the thoughts, and let that combination dominate your life. That is how you make things happen, that is how you achieve your goals.
Think of how dreams work. Lets say you're dreaming and you want to make a sandwich. You will it, and it happens. Simple.
Reality works the same way. The only difference is that you must take action to manifest the sandwich, but it starts with thinking about the sandwich in the first place.
Dreams are like moving through air, while reality is like moving through water.
@jeffberwick, are you on steemit chat or discord? I'd like to connect if so.
Awesome stuff Jeff I am watching your videos since like 3 days in a row none stop lol, wow it amazes me how similar my experiences to yours have been for the passed 4 years. Also stopped smoking 4 years ago then drinking 3 years ago and started meditating every day and do breathing exercises since like 2016 and also became a vegetarian for almost 2 years now, also the life has really turned around for me when i realized all of this. I asked and i was answered :) completely agree with your thinking and am fighting for the same things. Humans need to be free again because we all feel that something happened to us but we don't know yet what and how we got to this point. I feel like we are about to find out what's really going on here on this planet and who is working to distort and destroy us and our planet. Keep sharing your beautiful experiences because there are people who really need this knowledge to keep going. I lost my mom to drinking for the very same reason she just couldn't handle this world and tried to run away and of course alcohol was there to help.. this is a lesson for me so i could teach other people what not to do and this is what I am planning to do in the near future. We need more light workers and keep fixing and bringing together our planet and our human qualities like love and compassion so those aliens who are against it should start losing their grip of power and control.
Good job and God Bless!!!
This is one of my favorite subjects. All of our words, thoughts, emotions, actions and intentions go into manifesting our life experiences. That is deep and many people don't realize how connected everything is in this universe.
Totally believe in this. I was in such a negative thought for many years, which in return attracted only negativity. Mind, Body, Soul.
Incisive. Just illuminated my mind
I always look forward to your videos now Jeff!!
You seem to be in a much more peaceful state of mind which is awesome.
two channels!
The best ideas are conjured on a sunny day's walk.
i am trying to but sometime there is no doors
We're on to something. and we're watching the same movie. I think best reality is based on the foundation of do onto others... (y)
We collectively create reality. My mind is just another perceptual node on the existential blockchain. We create our own opportunity. Children born into war had no choice about their reality. It's up to us collectively to play god wisely.
You have no control what country you born and you don't have any control what family are you born but everything else is a choice
Cancer isn't a choice. The universe doesn't give a fuck.
Let's fuck shit up so we can rule the world
I watched a doco recently which focuses on the law of attraction. It makes it out to be groundbreaking, religious type stuff, but really it's a pretty straight forward psychological concept.
Interesting none the less!
Hey Jeff, are you ENTP?
I love watching you walk your dogs and talk about your view on the world - so therapeutic!!
I love dogs.
Love your dogs!
Your micro cosmos influences your macro cosmos, right?!
look great around there!
I believe you are onto something about mindset, but I also believe true happiness is in our Creator and not material things. I grew up in a rich community in New Jersey and never saw so many miserable people in my life. I believe having a good mindset and direction in life is key, but focusing on the Lord Jesus Christ should be first in anyones life. So yes I do agree with some of what you said and so glad to see you feel better and have your health and a good mindset for the future. God Bless!
Helli jeff, keep up good job.this idea is very useful iur life.and i think @jeffberwick gave more different think about life.thank you sharing your lufe styles with us.GOD BLESS YOU.
Best articl
Hello Jeff, I know you are busy man that will do anything for the greater good. I have been your follower for sometime now, missed out on etting some free btc and steem when btc hit 3k but enjoyed the entire show on youtube. Can you lend a hand to enable this target be met? I hate the people who are trying to silence this new reality.
https://steemit.com/minnowsupport/@ejemai/port-harcourt-steemit-meetup-calling-steemians-in-nigeria thanks in anticipation.
Tuned out at the Law of Attraction.
@jeffberwick I'm intrigued by your thoughts on justice. I'm wondering how small things, like petty theft for example would be handled. I get in more extreme situations like murder, that you are implying a community response.
How would the smaller infractions be remedied? If you have the time or inclination, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on that.
I was friends with a sociopath. Never realized it until much later, after he had leveled a lot of damage on the people around him. It's amazing how they suck you in and create the world they want you to see. It's a shame, he was ultra talented and could have used his skills for much greater things than manipulation. Cheers. Love the ideas