In my last post here on Steemit, "Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again", I discussed how much alcohol limited me over the years.
One of the biggest ways was in how I never felt like I was truly being myself.
I was either limited by the cult(ure)/matrix/society in not expressing myself... and when I wasn't doing that, the alcohol was reducing my self confidence and also limiting me from feeling confident enough to be the most authentic version of myself.
Some people who have followed me for years might say, "You express yourself more than most people I know!"
And, that might be the case. But in many ways I was limiting myself dramatically. Those who have been following me have likely noticed the changes over the last few months as I quit smoking, became a raw vegan/fruitarian and stopped drinking while I was at home.
I began to come out of my shell a bit. I felt confident in just being me. I felt like, "This is how I feel and I don't care what you think about me, I'm going to say it goddamit!"
And now that I have fully stopped drinking I have reached a new level of confidence. I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin.
I recently walked the depressing streets of Las Vegas while I discussed how important it is that all of us be the truest and most authentic version of ourselves. We are all special. And the machine/matrix/cult(ure) doesn't want you to express that. It wants us all to be the same... to be bots in the machine.
Here's my take on why we all need to express ourselves to the world and why it's never been more important:
Follow me here on Steemit as I do my daily "walk n talks", sometimes with anarcho-dogs, sometimes without, from various locations on Earth.
Next I'll discuss the person we all need to get to know the most... ourselves.

@jeffberwick i hate to beg but i need some help in this bad situation check this https://steemit.com/job/@tookas/help-just-lost-my-job-and-need-to-pay-my-bills :(
Woohoo ... there you go man! Glad to see that you received some help thanks to @jeffberwick and @dollarvigilante !
Now, I'm curious if Jeff will show off his voting power on this comment as well ...

thanks man its hard for me to ask for help but i need it . I never did it before but personal circumstances forced me to do it right now. You know i got family and i believe i can find another job fast even if there is 10% of unemployment.
@dollarvigilante already upvoted my comment, thanks Jeff!
I wrote this to thanks @dollarvigilante and all of you! https://steemit.com/dolarvigilante/@tookas/jeff-berwick-dollarvigilante-and-steemit-community-helped-me-when-i-lost-my-job
It's amazing how the community can sometimes respond :O
I didn't expect it at all Thank you guys
Mate you came to the right place, this needs more upvotes! Let's help our fella!
Everyone helps here.
very cool for making the change.. this way you can reach more people.. great move
I hear your message. I have no room for any arguments.
Sometimes you meet your master, you listen, you understand their place and point.
There is much wisdom here; so it's great to hear; it's life affirming and it makes me brave.
'to thine own self be true' - Shakespeare
above all else
Jeff, i like this channel as much as the dollarvigilante channel!
Btw. you should take a day off, you look a bit tired!?
You're the man, Jeff
Great post. Love the way u inspires people and how honest and open u are :0) I agree 100%
I also want to thank u for being the one that got me here to steemit :0) I saw a video once and checked this out and got stuck. Best thing ever. This is a great place to be and to meet awsome people.
There are so many things that we don't really know about ourselves and many more that we have been conditioned to believe. It is very important to listen to our bodys and understand how it works. It is amazing to see how much wisdom is inside of us on how our lives could change when we follow our inner messages. Great article; keep up the good work.
Yes, hence the old adage you get in films where one guy is at the bar and asks his buddy "what's your poison?".
In any event, a bit of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that.
The problem with drinking is that it's more-ish.
The more you consume the more you want.
If you can train yourself to have a glass of wine with a nice steak and not go crazy, then it's quite safe and very enjoyable.
It's the more-ish I had problems with...
Totally agree with you here @jeffberwick ! We all have our own path in life. Nobody can judge that one path is better then the other. We are all pieces of one huge shattered mirror and all we have to do is be true to ourselves.
This way will will see our ourgoing vibration reflecting in the world and the people around us! What you put out is what you get back!!
Thanks Jeff for another great post! What are your thoughts on the Tezos ICO? Will it be a better platform than Ethereum for smart contracts? Your loyal followers here on Steemit want to know. :-)
Don't shorten the videos! I like when you just talk and talk. :) Seen this on You Tube.
Yes he can sure talk, ive been wondering if he is just wandering around stoned and rambling. Good stuff though.
stay positive
Stay honest
Stay classy
Truth is set y freee.
Semen of the demon ...
Upvoted and Resteemed! Finding our authentic selves is the most interesting game.
Hey, your at the RIO :)
I suffered in the past because I tried so hard to hide my personality, when the time came, life pushed me to the ground, but Now I don't give a F*** about people and I'm myself, I do what I love and try to be better every day !
How could you not like this...being your authentic true self is all anyone could ask for...I absolutely love when people call me outspoken or too passionate but I look at it like they think that because they aren't speaking up enough and have limited their passions in their own lives. Thanks for the blog posting.
yes, people hiding thier true selves are BORING!!!! The world will be much more interesting when everyone breaks this matrix mind conditioning to conform. Congrats on living free.
Well said Jeff. Keep up the good work.
Life gets so much better once you just focus on yourself and what you want to do and accomplish in life, not worrying about what other people think. Like you said, that only limits yourself from becoming the best possible you. Great post man, you earned a follower.
Hey Jeff. I laughed at the anecdote about the cars sitting at the traffic light. I often think of that exact situation, and as I can drive through red lights when i know it's safe (mostly when no one is around though).
Although i was unsure how i felt about your blog when you first appeared on steem, I was a little turned off by some of your more absolute statements, I've come to see you as a really interesting dude and appreciate you sharing your insights. It's clear that you have followed your heart and trusted in what you have learned.
I've come to a lot of the same conclusions about amercian culture and "the machine", in my own life, and definitely live with the mentality of creating your own reality. I'm curious if you have any advice on how to become an expat?
I can relate to jeffs "absolute" statements. When your passionate about things you have to believe. The key is being open minded to new information that might prove you wrong, and i believe that is the kind of guy he is.
Awesome. I'm a recovering alcoholic and know all the ins and outs of how this all works. Best thing I ever did was quit. I give my testimony wherever I can to help people see it can happen to anyone. Glad to see your life is better now @jeffberwick . Many Blessings to you sir.
How many weird encounters are you having with friends etc when you don't want a social drink? Found old friends look at me like I've grown an extra head. Or the opposite where they think you were secretly keeping an alcoholic habit from them - you know that the only reason to not drink right ;)
Not drinking is like being an atheist, for some reason everyone insists you explain why.
Thanks for sharing!
Great post, man.
Thanks a lot, man!
Cool post! Upvoted!
It's funny how casual drinking is in our society. Typically when you go to a restaurant, people will order an alcoholic drink. I have nothing against alcohol in moderation, in fact, I love wine and beer on occasions. I stopped drinking for about a year just to focus on my health. Whenever I would go out to bars with friends, there was so much pressure to have a drink. It's totally possible to not drink and still be sociable and have a good time out with people. Good for you for taking a step towards what you want, Jeff!
If you know yourself you know the world
It's a real pleasure to see you become a role model!
great man, thanks for sharing
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great post
you really inspire me alot.very true sir @jeffberwick.
Hey Jeff,
Thanks for everything. Because of all you have been posting and I have also become a fruitarian. I first caught on when you interviewed Josh for the first time. I began digging into the info he provided and watch your transformation. I am getting much better. I was at the end of my line and did not know why I was going to make it. Now that you hooking me up with Dr. Morse, I have ordered some of his cures and I am well on my way to enjoying my life again. Thanks for everything!
Im doing the same now too because of jeff. Fruit Rocks!!! Im going to be posting my healing\detox journey on here soon.
Awesome, me too. i need to get a little better first. Still having some issue from detox. Good luck!
For me it was easier to quit than it is to stay away from it. I have to think of it as poison and tell myself it's all part of the flouridated water/chemtrail/gmo depopulation agenda, then i don't want it anymore...hahahahaha
Great video.
I totally agree with getting out there and just doing it. Whatever "your doing it " is.
I joined steemit only a few days ago, and it's because of Jeff talking about it.
If you look at my first post you will see that I quit a full-time job of 15yrs with the Ambulance service, to travel.
I now work, when I want to, and I can live with very little money.
Life is too short!
It is scary to walk out of a full-time job you have done for while, but it's also exhilarating to start to do the things in life you really want to do.
You can do this to!
The 9-5 plan for 40yrs is not the only way to live. There is more to life than just the paycheque.
Right on dude!!! That is awesome what you are doing. Life is good!
Welcome to Vegas and good luck in the tournament. I wish I was playing this year but I didn't think I would still be in Vegas at this point. I'm sure with your new discipline with not drinking and smoking you will do better this year. All the best.
Your analogy of the cult/ culture sums it all up, for me the hardest part of waking up some years ago was still being surrounded by the culture, can be a lonely place until you become comfortable with your new reality.
Even at all the gas stations everyone around me is buying and scratching all these tickets. Booze, smoking and gambling are all addictive. In addition gambling is only legal when the state controls it. If we wanted to have a friendly game of poker or some pull tabs for the football games in our basements it would be illegal.. My point is the state has deemed gambling, drugs, pedophilia, guns, prepping and many other things are bad, unless the govt itself is running it.
Being the the most true version of yourself is very good so you don't need to keep things you like hidden and you feel more free.
I agree with aspiring to become the truest form of authentic self, but PREPARE to have the "red pill" of life forced on you once you do. Be prepared to be "retaliated" against, punished and outed. Also be prepared for your most awesome life AFTER you accept yourself and your new life. It will be a change so be ready, welcome it but prepare for it.
Thanks for the inspiration Jeff! Drinking alcohol SUCKS!
Good job man! Wish some people in my family could do the same. I love your videos btw. We need a straight up voice in this community 👍🏼✌🏼💸💸
I kicked the dirty smoking habit a while back and eat alot better the older I get. Great content you provide on here. Thanks for sharing @jeffberwick
I'm doing the same right now....to making yourself the best you can be.
Agree. If you don't start with yourself then you will never find peace. I noticed I started liking myself a little more each day when I made these small changes in my life! :)
I love those posts. I love those thoughts. Jeff I love you. Please check out my latest personal-development post. I hope you like it. Looking forward to more food for thought about ourselves!
Yes! This is what I was waiting for....GREAT stuff man. Inspiring...everyone has to find their own path, but seeing this is a great way to start my own path, so thank you
Very good post...I hope you make more :)
always bringing awesomeness to the World with your inspiring words! keep up bro! 💪
resteemed & upvotedyou're awesome and you know it @jeffberwick !!