I've been working at my current restaurant for about 11 years now.
There was a time when I used to work all day everyday.
Nowadays I work every morning and afternoon 7 days a week.
However, I have a couple of different jobs as well and I don't like to work at night.
Source: Giphy.com
Not at the restaurant job anyway.
You see....... there's a huge difference between how a restaurant operates during the day and how a restaurant operates during the night.
In the morning we all get to work and have a cup of coffee.
Chances are good that somebody might have brought a box of donuts or some kind of snack.
We talk about various things that happened the day before while we wait for guests to come eat.
When the guests come we greet them with a smile. Everyone is pretty friendly for the most part.
Sometimes it gets really busy but we all work together and eventually we get through it.
The customers have a good meal and we all get paid.
This is how it goes during the day.
Nighttime is an entirely different story.
For the night shift we come in at about 5:30 and very quickly get ready for our shift.
There's no time to get a cup of coffee or any snack because all the guests are already rushing in.
We greet our guests and quickly try to get them situated.
They don't act the same way they do during the day.
Source: Giphy.com
During the day the guests are happy and friendly and seemingly quite relaxed.
At night though, everyone is in a huge rush for no reason at all. They don't have to go back to work or do anything else.
I think a huge difference is the drinking.
If you're having lunch chances are you're not going to be drinking if you're having a business meeting.
At night though I don't care who you are...... you're drinking three or four Margaritas no matter what.
You can be Mary Poppins with her 15 babies and you're still going to drink four Margaritas even if you're by yourself.
Everything is rushed and hurried and difficult at night.
It's an entirely different atmosphere.
People in the business know it's easier during the day but you make more money at night.
Restaurants are very different at night than they are during the day.
Yeah definitely got the right idea working days.
Nights are weird anyway: we aren't designed to be at work. I was a psychiatric nurse for 10 years and nights were always intense. I run a B&B now, and yes the guests are different at night (even if most of our guests are French, and they don't tend to drink much at night). I hate how a lot of people treat waiting staff.
I love that post. I can relate. I was a line cook for six years at a restaurant in Montreal that was in the tourist district and they only worked at night. I don't know how I lasted so long. I had my own dinner at two in the morning if I was lucky. Thanks for sharing!
Definitely. Thanks for commenting.
Interesting story. Alcohol brings out the real person. Happy or mean.