Have you ever met someone that can't seem to stop talking?

in #life7 years ago

I met such a person today.

In fact, I'd seen this person a few times this week but I hadn't actually spoken to him until today.

Our store is a manager in training store.

Every couple of months we will get a new manager in training.

They usually spend about eight weeks with us.

Source: Giphy.com

They come in all shapes and sizes.

Each of them has their own unique personality.

The interesting thing is that they don't have any actual manager power at this point....... so they have to do what we......as the servers and restaurant staff...... tell them.

A few days ago I saw a large gentleman with a grey beard rapidly talking to one of our newest server trainees.

She's a sweet girl that I know had a lot of questions so I was impressed that this gentleman wanted to spend so much time talking with her.

The next day I saw him spending a great deal of time questioning the bartender about various different beers.

"Wow what an inquisitive guy" I thought to myself.

Yesterday one of my friends was training a new server and telling him not to act like a robot when this new manager in training jumped in and begin talking as well.

Source: Giphy.com

My friend waited for a few minutes for the man to finish.

He never did finish though........ he just kept on talking and talking and talking.

My friend went and got a soda and sat down by the bar and just started watching TV.

20 minutes later this man is still talking to the new server and he doesn't even notice that my friend left.

Today I actually met this man for the first time.

Sure I had seen him and been around him but I never actually introduced myself or even knew what his name was until today.

I always train the manager in training people at some point so I know in a few days I will be walking him around and showing him the ropes.

I'm not much of a talker unless I actually have something to say.

I know some people really just like to hear the sound of their own voice though but personally I find that kind of annoying.

I hope that my training with him is pretty short.

Maybe I won't have to train him at all.

He might even turn out to be really great guy.

There's no denying that he never stops talking though.

Have you ever met someone that can't seem to stop talking?


Seriously I have a friend who doesnt stop talking at all.
Blablablablabla and all the criteria that you described applies at him.
Seriously I believe He is an important person in the friend zone, because sometimes when we have coffee or drinks somewhere everyone seems silent for a moment and He is the one who starts a conversation in this case and he breaks boredom and turns in into fun.
I love the post by the way

For three years I worked in a retail location that largely caters to the senior citizen crowd. When I first started working there I was confused as to how it could take some of the employees hours to stock just one isle. I quickly learned that it was because a lot of our regular customers had the tendency of stopping and talking to the employees for lengths of time without stopping or giving the employee time to do anything other than listen to whatever story they were telling. I eventually became very skilled at interrupting, without seeming like I was interrupting, so that I would actually be able to continue my work without getting stuck listening to one customer for an extended length of time.

That's a smart plan. When customers talk we have to listen......... but when servers talk too much we have to find other means.

I have met them and then i make excuses then I leave. Haha

Yes. they sounds so irritating from the beginning even they are saying good things. This happens whey we daily meet that person and talk with them.

I have a friend like that and every time we go out I try to take some headphones ...LOL
These people are egocentric ... but you have to know how to take them haha

I'll never understand how some people can have so little self-awareness.

...Yes. Screw these people. Have a resteem

i think its spice felling or any problem on her mouth.ha ha ha
and their sound may be crazy.

I once had a friend like that, but she was a great person.