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RE: The Bloody Octopus

in #life8 years ago

Oh, man, childbirth has got to be the grandest mix of sheer horror and happiness. It's such a confusing bundle that scientist's have yet to decipher it. In my life, I have witnessed quite a few, but I cannot wait when I would be tasked to witness the birth of my own child. I'm over the moon with glee for you for Boom Baby Number 2.

Only you would have the guts to refer to the future Queen-Empress of Britannia that way haha! Your stories are always so animated, and I look forward to reading every last one. You really have a way of taking your readers where you were, pig blood spatter and all.

I can't believe nobody has commented this yet haha!


Oh thats magic, if I had access to that I would have put that in it!

It was a genuine harrowing time! But ultimately a joyous one so all is well that ends well! I look forward to you having your first dude! FAtherhood is quite the thing :O)

Obviously not if it's to an octo child. hehe

Or will it? We can't say for sure! Having an octo child might have its benefits haha! Not for me, I guess, but I'm sure other people will take advantage of that. No need for seatbelts of baby carriages for them haha!

I'm glad I'm able to add something new. You could still edit that in ;)

Haha, I could but I fear it would only fit if the context was built around the pic :0)

It might be a handy thing to have an octochild. Think of the fun to be had!!

You could scale walls on the back of your child, you could walk on ice without slipping, heck, you would never ever drop a single utensil when it's around. The possibilities are limitless! Why do I feel like I'm convincing myself that it's alright to have one? Haha!

You have talked yourself into it. Now you just have to get past the birth!!!

It's a hard sell for my lady though :( We're a long way's away anyway, so I better get busy creating a slide presentation about the benefits!

Yeah that's it, work on the benefits!!