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RE: The Banana

in #life7 years ago

OHOHOHO!! Getting caught up on what I missed, and this was certainly a Christmas Eve story for the ages! Better than Die Hard, that's for sure. It seems like the little lady has more of your genes than you thought, Boomizzle. I have to wonder where she heard the pun from though! Wonderful icebreaker to a teetering way. Way to tip everything back to an even keel, little lady!


Lolololo! Mr J, I thought you were in the mountains!!! I wonder where she hears stuff like this too!!

I will be soon, but until then I can't leave the Boomdawg hanging! The comments must flow!

I wonder where she hears stuff like this too!!

Try and find out so that we could milk it for the jokes! Because that worked so well for the oil industry.

I am hot on it. I am so hot on it that smoke is coming from my feet. I will find this source and lock then in a box. We will pull it out at Christmas time and hear the comedy