Because of our distance, I have always been known to be almost half a day ahead of you, Boomtube. Now, with the help of the Cirrus thingymajig, you have crossed the threshold and flipped the switch. Slap my ass and call me Marty, youCarlate has put the final neil in the future sarcophagus... I hope your Red Tented Lady hasn't moved on and that your children still remember you...
On the bright side, you can now send me future info on the coins that would moon! But wait... if we still haven't met in your present, does that mean that the tips you sent in my future would be for naught?? Am I my own grandpa? are now the future man between our dynamic duo, which means you are even days ahead than our spectacular sis @dreemit, making you the forerunner of our terrific trio! I never thought I would live to see the day! And, this was 8 days ago too!! I didn't know I had been living in your past this whole time, I would've thought that we were living in sync. It seems
Haha! Gotta do it, gotta play that song again!
OH I MISSED THIS!! This was a song stuck in my head ever since I heard it! I couldn't understand it when I was a kid, but now I laugh at it every time. Way to get a song stuck in my head, sis!!