I am bawling right now. Not afraid to admit it. Your dad seems even more awesome with every post. Sorry to hear about your back, sis, but could it possibly be that it was a practical joke by your dad to get your mind off his passing? I don't know, but it feels like something he would do. In a way, it could be his way of reminding you to take better care of yourself, keep your chin up and... maintain a good posture. Massage the back of your knees, sis, and keep a warm compress close to the pain area. I wish I was there to acupuncture you, because back pain is my main expertise!
Man, Ethan was so small back then! I'm happy that your dad was able to watch his grandkids grow before he left our mortal world.
And now I'm crying again too, shit. That picture was only five short years ago, Ethan nine, Zoe twelve....dad standing up though with an effort already.
Yes, both of my kids have commented on how they got to have a solid relationship with him, both of them cried their eyes out and Zoe is No crier, almost ever...and both of them got up and gave speeches at his funeral. Again, Zoe...public speaking? I might have mentioned that already, but it still blows me away she mustered the courage for that one. For her pop pop.
It's my brother I feel for. Nora won't remember him, and he'll never meet their next child. I know that has been a part of his grieving process, though I must remind him that we came within a hair's breadth of losing him last summer and he begged him not to go before the birth of his newest grandchild. And my dad heard him, and he fought, and he got one year with her.
Yes, acupuncture! That's definitely something I will try if this persists.
Ha, no he never gave a poop about posture, though taking better care of my body...yeah, I could imagine that. But if he's trying to take my mind off of losing him, he's doing a piss poor job, other than the bouts of serious pain where I can't think, I am otherwise confined to either the recliner or the bed right now with only time to think. sheesh.
I'm half in tears, half smiling right now. I guess that's his way of playing a joke. I'm glad to hear that even in his passing he still had a way of bringing out the best in people!