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RE: DEEPFAKE - we can no longer trust our eyes

in #life6 years ago

I'm glad to see "deep fake" enter the private sector. State agencies have had a monopoly on deception for too long.

Now that it's entering the public space, people will finally realize that trusting only what you can experience directly first hand is the ONLY way we'll right the wrongs of the globalists and their puppets.

People still believe what they see on the TV... and that needs to be corrected, one "woke" individual reclaiming his/her senses at a time.


Hi @jbgarrison72

Are you really glad that deep fake is more accessible right now? I'm not sure if I share same optimism.

people will finally realize that trusting only what you can experience directly first hand is the ONLY way we'll right the wrongs of the globalists and their puppets.

Again, I wouldn't be so optimistic about people realizing those things. I strongly believe that majority of the population will not come to any realization. They will continue believing whatever lies they are being fed.


I do at least share your abhorrence for fraud of any kind @crypto.piotr . :)

Thank you for your comment dear @jbgarrison72.

People still believe what they see on the TV... and that needs to be corrected, one "woke" individual reclaiming his/her senses at a time.

Interesting point. So maybe deepfake will have a positive impact, as people will stop to believe in television, which always tries to manipulate us somehow. Maybe it's time for decentralized sources of information.

Decentralization of control is critical for a free market... "of the senses" operate and provide the best possible outcome.