Where did my town go?: A story of corporate take over.

in #life9 years ago (edited)

Epping NH, in 1906. (Epping NH Wiki)

In late 2001 I moved up to Epping NH. I didn't want to, but we found a nice a house for the right price in a quite town that I only knew because it is home to New England Dragway. For the first few months my family and I lived in Epping we spent many nights outside looking up at the stars, a stark contrast to the bright night sky we were used to in Massachusetts. That, to me, was the only good thing about this town back then. Everything was too far away, no where to play street hockey within biking or rollerblading distance, it was too quiet at night for me to sleep, and the closest thing to super market was a tiny little shop called Fecteu's Country Store (A video from '92 that featured the store). Within a few months of us living in Epping an Irving 'Blue Canoe', gas station/convenient store was completed. Signs of progress! Woohoo!

A few years later we got a Walmart. I thought it was awesome, Epping was moving up in the world. Shortly after they put up a Lowes hardware store and a plaza was built by the entrance of Walmart and we got a Gamestop. Freakin' sweet!! It wasn't long after that, that Fecteu's closed it's doors and we lost the last remaining piece of Epping's small town charm and poise.

Now, I still live in Epping. Another plaza went up further north from Walmart. We now have a MarketBasket and a movie theater, and hundred's if not thousands of new homes that have gone up along with more stores and restaurants. Traffic on the main road through town, Rte. 125, is ridiculous at any time during the day and the lights from Walmart and other stores have blotted out most of the stars. Everyday you here about how someone who just moved to the area called an exterminator because a raccoon who's home you bulldozed for your house was in their trash, or a skunk walked through their yard. Shut Up! It was their home first god damn-it!

I wish I could have that quiet, secluded town that I hated so much back. I just wish I could've really appreciated it when I was growing up. I will say there were problems with the town that the corporate take over did solve, but I still miss the quiet nights and slow days.

Epping NH, nowish

Let me know if you've had a similar experience or just your thoughts on the situation. Take it easy.
