“Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.” - Unknown
HAPPINESS IS.... (up to) YOU!
Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. - Helen Keller
You create and determine your own levels of happiness! Nobody else… just YOU!
There was a time in my life that I had completely forgotten this and had to rediscover my own value, worth and importance as an individual and human being. At the time of my divorce, I thought I would never survive… I felt suffocated and the concept of life in any other alternate manner (even though the one I was in was enormously unhealthy) seemed impossible to grasp…
But it wasn’t! And afforded a little bit of time for reflection and healing, I Reached that space once more and it was the most incredibly liberating feeling!
It was a HUGE life lesson, one which I will never forget, but cannot honestly say that I have not wavered from it from time to time...
When you have been broken down to nothing, it can be all too easy to step back into negative old habits of giving too much of yourself too easily, being walked all over, forgetting your worth and a multitude of others… This is no doubt natural, especially if you have lived in a state of “worthlessness” for any great length of time…
“You need to lose yourself and disappear in the depths of the repetitions? Find a coast and watch the repetitive waves! Soon your mind vanishes away and when your mind disappears you disappear!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan
The main thing however, is that you SEE it! ACKNOWLEDGE what is happening, what you are allowing, STOP YOURSELF and then start walking in the opposite direction…. FAST!
Don't ever let others permanently stray you, detour you, blindfold you or numb you!
It is one thing to take a slight detour, but it is another thing entirely… to lose your path completely… forgetting yourself along the way… BUT (and yes, its a BIIIIG BUT as always lol) the most important thing to remember, is that each and every time this happens, you learn a little bit more about your(TRUE)self... what your REAL value is, where your boundaries lie and where you are heading, moving forward in your own life!
And THAT is what matters!
Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. - Kevyn Aucoin
Something I used to do with most of my posts, and have omitted of late... is a "blog appropriate song" to end ;) (well, appropriate to the way I understand things anyway haha...)
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

That is so beautiful!!!!
U are that beautiful fragrance!
How sweet @zord189. She is especially holding #smeemitbloggers with awesomeness. And thanks @jaynie for this post. Happiness is the best makeup
Beautifully said @zord189! Reading this also made me think of the Japanese tradition of "Kintsugi;" when a treasured piece of pottery is broken, it is reassembled with a paste made with 24K gold and it's own way the broken piece becomes even more beautiful than the original-- even with the breakage of life's hardships clearly visible.
Very true and honest post. It really is up to each and everyone of us to choose happiness. I especially loved the last quote! The thing is that bad things will happen in life and it's just a matter of how you react to them. You could say that, no matter how painful it was, your divorce was a step into a better direction, since you seem to have started seeking happiness in yourself :)
Very well said my dear :) Thank you for the lovely comment xxx
Great post @jaynie! It's Friday morning here, and it was a great read to start my weekend off!
Awesome Kimmie!! Hope you are feeling better! We have decided to go out tonight so will have to reschedule our chat.... perhaps tomorrow?
Sounds good! Enjoy your evening!
Will do. And ps. Congrats on winning the appreciator award today xxx
😍😊😃 I was so excited when I woke up and saw that!
Love the idea of a "blog appropriate song" and awesome choice for this one! Funny - I just recommended Notes from the Universe (by Mike Dooley) to someone a few days ago - wicked inspirational stuff! Thank you for the reminder that we're all in charge of our happiness (although sometimes I let chocolate take the wheel). 😊
hahahaha have been receiving his mails for years now! hahahaha... we seem to share quite a bit in common.... either that or you are EXCEPTIONALLY psychic :P (don't answer that, I already know the answer hahahaha)
Thank you for this post! I know this, but daily reminders are soooooo helpful. Also, I'm in love with the song at the end! So glad to find you here, Jaynie. Gratitude. You are a gift. Keep shining!
Much love to you too hon xxx We are ALL gifts in our own right.... and yes, an absolutel pleasure to have crossed paths with you too :) Will see you on a regular basis on the "other side" hehehehe :)
Thanks for sharing your experienced. That was really hard, to move on. You're right, happines is up to us. It's our choice. If we are depress, sometimes we make ourself more depress because we think we are worthless. So it's up to us to make ourself worthy, to motivate ourself to be happy. And to do this, we have to move and do something worthy
Very true!!!!
Hello Jaynie. Glad you came out stronger and more beautiful. Happiness is key. You realized what took so many a long time to realize. Your happiness is dependent on you and not what others say, do or don't do. Divorce isn't nice but you came out stronger and happy. That speaks more of your strength. "Life will either bless or bury. It is not what others say or do that matters, it is what you say to yourself when they are through with their talking or deeds.". Stay happy.
Thank you for your wonderfully positive feedback, I really appreciate it! and I LOVE that quote, thanks for sharing :)
I am glad you love it. It's an honour. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for always speaking from your heart.
I agree. At least nowadays - Happiness is up to me.
But when I was suffering from depression this truth didn't help. It made me feel worse about myself.
I felt that if happiness was up to me then I was doomed because my unhappiness was just another proof that reinforced my already low opinion of myself.
How I see it now is that happiness is my natural state. I don't have to make it happen by doing the right thing or thinking happy thoughts.
Letting my thoughts come and go without attaching to them, choosing to see them as just thoughts rather than truth and not getting stuck in the story let's my natural happiness shine through.
Of course, there are times when I still get stuck in the story and believe my thinking but, on the whole, I see through that much faster these days. And I'm very grateful for that!
Absolutely LOVE this....
First words in the Morning of Love and Gratitude I am still here to thank for the road I am on, which sometimes is wrong sometimes is right in any case to have enough Morning energy after a good sleep, God’s first remedy, to enjoy the forthcoming noon, and all day to afterwards be kind n merciful before kissing good night… I am writing about all life period ;-)
That is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you for sharing it xxx
Nice post @jaynie
Thanks :)
This post has gratitude of 5.91 % from @appreciator thanks to: @jaynie.
Harsh experiences only make us stronger. Life is also about overcoming difficult situations and learning from them. The best way to learn is obviously making mistakes and being humble enough to accept we made a mistake.
A great few truths in that. Thank you xxx
Lesson learnt. I will choose to be happy and not allow anyone to take that from me. Expecting your I would never challenge contest
Personally i like your story , and also good your blog. i want your next blog for sharing us , all the best carry on your life my friend
True, we can discover our life after facing enormous experiences in our life, when we face some hardships then our thoughts run like a car without any brakes and our perceptions never stops, but sometime we have to lose ourself because, when we face great obstacles or breaks down hard, at that time it's really important to fall for some time to rise, because when you feel helpless their you meet your realself and you start thinking about yourself into an deep level, and when you come out of this fall, you can feel an new self and can start a new journey in full gears. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day and stay blessed.
Thank you xxx
Welcome. ☺️
All well said and also I think one key to a happy living is gratitude, showing gratitude and counting our blessings causes us to focus on the positives and let go of the things that bring us down.
Happiness is a daily decision, through conscious effort... what you allow is what will continue... inspiring post!
So very true!
It's so much truth in your post. I wonder why so many people don't get the idea. They live in negativity, distroying themselfs. They live eather in future or in the past, never in the present.
It's so easy to be happy. The happynes, as you quoted, is just under your feet. 👍
Yip, that is indeed sad but true.... Thank you for the lovely comment :)
You chose the song so well
you are so right and wise @jaynie!
Thank you hon x
steem makes me happy. its that motivation in the morning. it gives me the time to be like this and connect with people like me.
and passion is precisely what drives that happiness forwards ;)
I feel inspired and impressed when authors use themselves as reference tell a true story just as it should apply and appeal to the audience.
I appreciate the positive response, thank you :)
Use our lives to benefit others, good posts @jaynie thanks to you post.
Everyone deserves to be happy... Believe everything happens for a reason. Also, happiness doesn't depend on what you have or who you are, it solely relies on what you think. Great post btw :)
That is so very true!
Nice and encouraging read! I believe in living life to the fullest and experiencing as much as possible of the emotional spectrum possible for a human being. This includes the highest heights of happiness as well as the deepest of the opposites. Contrast gives meaning, happiness alone becomes neutral disturbingly fast without it! 🖤
That is the right attitude to have :) Thank you for the lovely comment @cyoung x
happiness can never buy .... i agree with your post ...
Thanks :)
you are right happiness is up to us .we are the leaders of our hearts and happiness,we have only to know clearly what we want .
Absolutely! :)
sorry @jayine its me sabi I announced my absence and till 11 january now I checked and I am not your discord server I just got back after my exams please .. allow me to your discord
Everybody wants to be happy in life.......
this exprience is so good...carry on
"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it."
This exactly a solution to finding happiness within.
Took the words right out of my mouth, well said.
That was really hard, to move on. You are right, happines is depend to us. It's our choice to look. If we are depress, or tensed ,sometimes we make ourself more depress because we think we are helpless. So it's up to us to make ourself worthy, to motivate ourself to be happy.Thanks for sharing your experienced.i like your post so much
Thank you dear... :)
Very true words about happiness! I think we should have courses or even some classes at school that will teach how to accept being happy and do it every day:) Very nice page, following you now, have a great weekend! ;)
life is very short we should not waste it in worries, live every moment of life,
Thats a great post from you @jaynie. I think everyone is responsible for their own happiness. Most people tend to think happiness is found in their past or their future. But in doing so time passes quickly- I think happiness is a thing one should get daily not because someone triggered it but because they want to feel it. Thanks
Very true. We create our own happiness. It should come from us and not from other people, and it's totally up to us.
the video is very good. I really enjoy his music and songs;)good post. @jaynie
This story very nice.i like this blog..thanks for sharing this blog..carry on your life..
Nice ...
Nice post
i like ur post
very nice and very informative post. i followed you because u always share valuable content,keep sharing such posts.very good, I am happy to share kind your important imformation.
many thanks to you this like shareing,
Cool to see posts like this that support our content creators. Amazing to see how much traction this one gained!
Follow me @mustafarazy
Great post ....
wowww nice picture! beautiful.
Good post
Speaking of the #SteemitBloggers link you posted I tried many times but was told the link expired. Can you assist me in rejoining because I missed the wonderful community.
I am fidelpoet#0126 on Discord
I was impressed by your writing. I will take the time and read it many times.
nice post
I'm glad that you're feeling so buoyant and optimistic about change in your life. We are always faced with a choice: despair in what is happening, or accept it and make the best of it. You seem to have the uncanny ability to do the latter.
I am so pleased that your optimism rubs off on all of us. I think of how much I've benefited from you and #Steemitbloggers already, and it makes my head spin. I wouldn't know @Zord189, @Amarbir, @Raymondspeaks, any of the great people I have met through the Discord without this optimism that comes so easily to you.
If you had given up along the way, we wouldn't all be here enjoying each others' company everyday! I'm glad you found happiness within yourself and made it your responsibility to keep the good times going!
to us.Absolutely true @jaynie; I believe we are all about as happy as we decide to be... as the years wear on, happiness is more a choice/action we embrace than a "thing" that happens
Most often, happiness is a consequence of gratitude... which is also a practice; a form of mindfulness of when good things happen, rather than allowing ourselves to become absorbed by negatives.
Ack! No, I really wasn't trying to come off sounding all "guru-ish;" I'm so FAR from that... but I think you know what I mean.