Don't die poor!

in #life7 years ago

"Money is the root of all evil", They say. But if that's the case, why do we look up to the "evil" billionaires?


If you have grown up listening to your parents saying "Money is evil" or something similar, Congratulations! You grew up in a middle-class family "just like me".

Is that right though? Well, if you think so, then you're sure to spend the rest of your life in financial mediocrity as well.

You might have a job, a good high-paying job indeed. But, you will still spend your life struggling to meet ends and pay the bills.

In other words, you'll die poor!

Why? - you ask.
Well, that's because of this limiting belief you have, which will always keep you from gaining riches.

You can never be rich if you always think money is evil. And since success is measured in the terms of money, you'll never be considered successful in life.

A wise man once said,

"If you are born poor, that's not your fault.

But if you die poor, that's your fault."

That's a Bill Gates quote of course.

He emphasizes on building riches in one's life regardless of his/her current financial situation. He also tells us that not being able to get rich is a fault on ourselves.

What about those things about money that our parents taught us?

You know - things - like, "Money equals stress", "Money makes people bad", "Rich people are selfish" and all stuff like that?

Well, tell you what, those are all lies or only a part of the whole truth. These are society's excuses for not being rich.

These are creations of jealous men who constantly try to put the rich down and prove that they - the middle class - live a better and happy life.

But we can all have seen who actually lives the better and happy life.

It's never the poor or middle class, but always the rich because their freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want. If that's not a better life, then I don't see any other life comparable.

But, are the rich selfish?
Initially, every millionaire or billionaire is selfish. And they should be so.

Is that bad though?

Nope. That's actually a good thing.

You can't pull a man out of quicksand if you are stuck in quicksand yourself.

So, I say, everyone should be selfish in the beginning.

But after reaching one's goals and ambitions, and having a surplus of wealth than he/she needs, it's not a choice to help others. It's an obligation!

Every millionaire or billionaire, after reaching their goals has put in a lot of efforts to support others in need. Notable examples are Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates.

These are the same guys who were so selfish at one time, that they are accused of stealing others' ideas to get where they are now. But look at them now.

They are some of most charitable people in the world. They spend more on charity in a year than some people earn in a lifetime!

Is that selfish or selfless?

The truth is, that they have reached such an extent that where they can - literally - spend like kings, while donating like sages; all while still having enough money for many of their generations to live without having to worry about money.

That's how incredibly rich they are.

So is money really evil? What's your excuse for not being rich?

Don't spend your life stuck in the rat race.

Get out of it. Get rich.

Or, at least, don't die poor.


That's why were in crypto

This is really motivating
We must make it to the top👍

thanks bro

I never want to die poor
That's definitely why I'm here