Nice art, I think you have a really unique style (I think I may have mentioned that to you already, but one half of me doesn't care, lol).
I also appreciate the narrative that goes along with your artwork presentation. It's both superficial and deep at the same time. Superficial in the sense that you're talking about what you're writing about, like a layer on top (superficial). But there are some deep thoughts that arise when you get into the nitty gritty. It's a nice sandwich.
I can also zone out at times while working on something creative. It feels like the brain has been given a break in those moments but I'm sure it's hammering away like a madman.
Enjoy your summer, look forward to seeing your next update whenever you're ready to post.
I noticed years ago folks connect with artists more than art. And I find simply talking about whatever means a lot more to the viewer and of course myself. It beats using a descriptive template with each post or a marketing/sales pitch by far. Helps keep things fresh; new. People don't know what to expect.
Haven't done a damn thing all week so I guess break mode is in full swing. Seems to be coming on naturally so I'll just roll with it. But that could change in an instant. Just going with the flow.