in #life7 years ago


Originally posted this personal journal entry on FB, January 1, 2016.
Thought it would be a good way to start my posts on steemit.

I am going to be 48 this year. It is nice to be confused for a 30 year old but not in a thousand years would I want to relive my youth, except for my days in Paris. Getting older does have its benefits. The personal experiences throughout the years have never gone unnoticed and I was aware I was writing down information that would one day be passed on as a public journal of sorts. The way people communicate, respond and adapt fascinates me, and I have learned to gather information to disseminate by remaining silent and listening intently. Language is important and words can either hurt you with future regret or can lift and carry you forward to a life worth exploring. Take precautions in where you learn to speak, because with that language also comes associations, expressions, ideas, methods, pressures and even beliefs. The following twenty pieces of advice are from personal experience. I started to write these type of observations sometime in 1990 while sitting on a bench staring at this lovely castle on the grounds of Parc de Saint Cloud, right outside of Paris. While this list has changed, the ideas are still the same. I hope they do not come across too harsh or righteous because far be it from me to believe I don’t have skeletons, although not in the closet, most of them are known personally by close friends and the public. My aspirations for this year and always is to work on my billionaire status, not for myself, but so that I can build a better world for people everywhere, especially my surrounds. I happily share these words on this first day of the year, I hope they can be of service to you in 2016 and beyond.


  • Stop eating bad food! If you wonder why you feel lousy chances are its a bad diet. Not pushing yourself to eat healthy is nothing short of immature, if you can read this, you are no baby so eat healthy ! Your food is every bit of what and who you are. Every year I become more an advocate of healthy eating and patronize those places and people who live by healthy eating and habits.
  • Forgive Quickly and answer fairly. Dismissing someone that cares for you without giving them a speedy reason why is ABUSIVE. It isn’t fair to keep people wondering why you disappeared or why you are angry. By contrast, IF someone does this to you, tell them you care and ask what happened. If you do not get an answer, swiftly slice that cord! Don’t let yourself be abused by whim and psychotic immaturity.
  • Sarcasm is funny in books and sometimes in text. In real life, it is one step away from cynicism. It yells out “I’m broken inside but don’t get near me.” Coupled with wit and verbal acuity, you will quickly find yourself justifying every action without realizing the cost of inner strength and spirit, not to mention friends.
  • Self loathing is not motivating; neither to you or to the people that love you. Its not funny or pleasing to hear what you don’t like about yourself, it’s dangerous and can be fatal to your spirit.
  • Unless you have to make a three second assessment of danger, don’t Let visual cues determine a persons worth. Let people speak and act, after that let your intuition guide your connection.
  • Pride – There’s a big difference between pride and confidence. The more people you meet the easier it is to determine that difference, pride can and will destroy you.
  • Making fun of a persons physical attributes or things they can do nothing to change is despicable and speaks directly of your values. Posting a meme or video of someone’s misfortune is equally as hateful. Don’t do it. Lift people, always lift people.
  • Never delete someone for having an opinion, even if you disagree with it. It is important that we grow as a society, to do so, means we have to be willing to let others speak their minds and be malleable enough to change our thinking if we find truth in foreign words.
  • Don’t play games with people, be direct. If you want to call someone, CALL THEM.
  • Facebook is as real as the person behind the screen.
  • Fear creates a critical financial market.


  • Stay organized, it will help you in your endeavor.
  • Return texts, emails and phone calls and don’t avoid a question.
  • Allow yourself to be loved by people outside your comfort zone.
  • Silly is a sign of great strength, Yes, really. I have noticed this attribute in people that are at the top of their endeavor. Two of my greatest friends put silly as a top three characteristic in people. You can certainly take it too far, but a little levity is good for you and allows people to open up in conversation and gratitude.
  • Learn the ways of language. Those ancient methods of speaking and arguing by Socrates and Plato seem boring and unimportant. Truth is, the rise of indirect marketing is creating ideas that YOU are getting bombarded with every single day. Ideas that deal with your rights, your finances, your health, your future and the future of your children. The new REVOLUTION will not be a revolution of firearms and artillery, it will be a cyberwar of WORD AND LANGUAGE. Deceptive advertising will promote things you love with things you don’t understand. READ EVERYTHING.
  • Cry in the shower all you want, but after you’re done, look in the mirror and say, I’m done. Then wipe those tears and keep moving towards your goal. On no account let those tears continue throughout the day. Keep them in check by releasing them when you cleanse the rest of your body.
  • Value ART. Art is the gray area in our world and in our universe. When you patronize art you are directly influencing the idea of possibility and the strength in human intuition. If science and technology can allow us to study the grains of sand in depth, art will allows us to create the glass that benefits the entire human race.
  • Always believe there IS something benevolent and much bigger than us… we just don’t know what it is.
  • “Be Not Afraid.”

Happy New Year

With much love,
