
Yeah, quite a bit before they sunk really low although I suspect it wasn't totally the process but the effort of blogging

I understand sir meesterboom, most people aren't gifted like you are, many of us struggle with what to write about. Do you ever struggle with what to write about?

Lol, I'm not gifted! I don't often struggle. I really enjoy wrangling words down and coming up with inventive ways to describe something. Obviously I will have jinxed myself now and struggle to write for weeks! Lol!

you'll have writer's block tomorrow! no no..I refuse to believe that. and for someone so gifted you sure are humble! lol.

Humble is good,I can't stand arrogance, although to be fair I like to play arrogant occasionally :0D

sir meesterboom! I couldn't agree more. You get to play arrogant through the hilarious Uncle Boom, and brilliantly too although I know you are a humble man so I'll just call that talent instead of gift!

Hehe, I will reluctantly take talent! ;0)