
Let me know when you want to duel face to face (well, video-to-video anway). Trying to run through quotes of your video response isn't an efficient use of my time.

You're throwing out a lot of rhetoric, much of it requires accepting premises that I won't accept without discussion.

An actual debate will be far more productive than this format.

Ready any time.

That would be interesting to watch! Do it gentlemen.

I read the response from Blake, and I must say, it was not very compelling at all. He basically acknowledged the abuses of power and even admitted to seeing it for himself while he served. Then he proceeded to essentially defend the institution anyway.

"Yeah - the politicians, their cronies, and the military do really bad things and we know it, but it's cool if you join."

What in the even...?

Hm. Interesting. Not how I remembered it.

What institution did I defend, exactly?

PS -- Double Quotations implies I actually said what you put in there.. no bueno

You should have handheld that mic so you could drop it at the end.


Good thing this is subjective, huh ? :)

Hell no

 9 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I actually learned Krav Maga for a few months

It seems contradictory to embracing martial arts without understanding the need for military action throughout history.
