BEST LIP BALM EVER - Chicken Poop?

in #life7 years ago

For reals, you guys. I live in Wisconsin; where the air hurts your face. Where -20° is "no big deal" because we see -40° more often than we'd like to admit. Where your lips get chapped as soon as you step out the door. I helped work on my parents' small homestead; mainly milking goats, which means sitting on one spot until you've stripped the last of the milk. So yeah. I froze. And my lips suffered.

I tried Carmex, I tried Burt's Bees, I tried all manner of balms from anyplace I could find them. Still chapped-to-bleeding, I-don't-want-to-smile lips (which is terrible for anyone, but even worse for a girl who wants to wear lipstick).

But then, for my birthday one year, I got Chicken Poop Lip Junk.
[[cue angels singing]]

And no, there's no actual poop.

This stuff is the bomb. It smells great, goes on smoothly, gives immediate relief, and lasts longer than any others I tried. It has only 6 ingredients, all of which are natural, so it's perfect for anyone who wants to stay away from the chemical-factory products that most people produce.

In going to the website to do this review, I found that they have expanded their products! La Chick Poo Poo are their lippie colors, which I got a few years ago and enjoyed. They also added THREE more Chicken Poop Lip Junks: Mint, Coconut, and Outdoors. Since I love anything and everything and all things mint, you can guess what's going in my cart.

And it doesn't stop at the lips. They also have Good Gravey; a solid lotion puck, and Kill It Dead; "a natural de-funkifier". Apparel, bumper stickers, etc. If you want to see all of these awesome products, visit their website.

*this post is not, in any way, sponsored by Simone Chickenbone ~ just a review of one of my favorite products


You got me at that "I don't want to smile lips" statement 😁... We get that a lot in Nigeria during the Harmattan. I never want to imagine a -40degrees temperature though! That's too low! Glad you found the best lip balm.

I had to Google the Harmatten; how neat! (not about the lips part though) -40 is insane; I've had to go out and get wood during the coldest parts and came back inside half frozen.

Wow... That's really insane!